is one Smokin' Farker
I heard a rumor that target was clearing out their grills for winter stuff. Said they found a gold kettle for $60. I'm gonna check it out this afternoon, and see if the local target has done their clearancing yet.
That would do itso if the abuse continues, Im gonna go get a ranch kettle just to shut ya all up...
BBQchef33 said:Ya know, i do a good deed and volunteer to get the silver just so we know the diff 'tween that and the gold....... I make a sacrafice for the brothers, and this is the thanks i get. ??? for shame!!
I happen to like my silver, and i decided to set aside a spot in the woods where i just walk over and dump the ashes.
so if the abuse continues, Im gonna go get a ranch kettle just to shut ya all up... :mrgreen:
If anybody saw my gasser they'd laugh. It's a single burner, and a packer brisket is about the same size as the grill. I have to put a layer of foil over the lava rock, or I get a big charred dino turd from all of the flare ups.You guys are busting balls over different Weber models and some of us make do with ECBs, no-name gas, and other assorted sheet metal.