On the OST 22.5 inch weber kettle, I own.
Can I get the ash catcher that looks like a bucket? and install it with out a mod?
Can I get the ash catcher that looks like a bucket? and install it with out a mod?
Tnaks guys, I'll just purchase the ash pan it needs.I've seen where people have done it but it was certainly a mod to make it fit.
For the record, whether you can adapt the pan ash catcher is one question, the other is whether you like it or not. I have used a OTG and a OTS with the pan and I do not like them for low and slow, I felt in made it more difficult to see the vent settings and harder to tune the kettle to the temperature I wanted. If I were to get a OTG, removing that stuff is the first thing I would do.
Thank you Guys.
Sorry for not being on so much, I've been really busy...