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Babbling Farker
Jun 12, 2009
Ithaca, Michigan
The band boosters at our local high school runs the concessions for our football stadium and are looking for a cost and time effective solution for providing hot water specifically for making hot chocolate to sell. The problem is most of the water heater solutions we're finding, top out at a temp of 145º, and the boosters would like 160-185º. The second problem is quantity. Ideally the boosters would like to get 20gal/hr of water. They've looked at the various coffee type dispensers which would get the temp, but to get the quantity they'd have to purchase multiple machines which they can't do because of alloted budget ($2,000).

I've found some smaller water heaters (Ariston GL6-S) that are inexpensive enough but they don't seem to get hot enough - specs say 145º. I don't know if these could be set to a higher temp or not. But they are cheap enough that they could purchase multiple units to provide the needed quantity.

Any ideas I can pass along? Current solution is turkey fryers and cambros which sucks because the cambro's are a pain to clean (city water sucks here) and haul, and it takes a long time to heat the 60gals of water prior to the game.
I don't think you will find a water heater designed to provide hot water for food service, etc. that will get that hot for safety reasons. If they have a spot where they can get power and connect to a water line I would look at a commercial hot water dispenser like this one...
They want 20 gallons per hour, the Bunn urns only do about 8 gallons per hour, the large commercial coffee urn, by Bunn will get close to 20 gallons per hour but, will require servicing every month at that use rate.

20 gallons per hour is unrealistic for a single machine.
So they think they need a machine that will produce 213 12oz servings per hour. If this is just for football season, I think that is over kill. How many weeks out of the year will get used? They could get 2-10 gallon Cambro insulated dispensers and make that much ahead of time. The question is how many fans come to the football games and how much wil they buy?