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is Blowin Smoke!
Aug 21, 2008
Katy, TX
The story: feel like I've been in a cookin' rut. Haven't truly smoked anything in a long time. All my grillings have been burger-oriented. Memorial Day is indeed coming up, and that means bbq where I come from.

The weapons: a modified ECB and a Weber 22.5 One Touch Silver. May have purchased a new gasser by then, but that's a different story.

The plan: smoke a butt to make Pulled Pork Sammies, and do some ABTs since I have not made those in too long. Do this on the Weber, as that ECB requires WAY too much attention and this may be a long cook. Will make some coleslaw to slap into the sammies. Have a recipe for a mustard-based sauce which I'll squirt onto the pork and slaw to finish off the sandwich. Will use CHEAP buns.

The request: tell me what I need to know. I think I'm good to go on how the prep the butt. So I'm assuming I place it on the grill opposite side from the heat. As far as fuel, set up a minion with a mix of charcoal and some apple wood chunks. Probably put on half a chimbley of lit adjacent to one end of the charcoal/wood mix and assuming it will give me a good long cook. If I have to, can put in some more lit later into the cook.

Besides some BBs I've done in the past, this will be my first pig adventure.

Please help me make this work!
I'd start you minion with 12 lit briquettes - If you can get your hands on a fireproof brick and wrap it with foil it'll help conserve fuel - otherwise good to go
I've smoked many pork butts on my kettle. Foil wrapped firebrick is a great start. I cover the bottom charcoal grate in HD foil only leaving the area under where your charcoal will be open. Use the firebrick to keep your briquettes piled to one side. Light 4 or 5 briquettes and place them on one end of your pile of charcoal. Add a wood chunk to the pile. Another firebrick on the top grate directly above the one on the bottom grate will help even out the heat even more. You could also set a small foil loaf pan filled with hot water on top of that upper brick. Add briquettes and wood as necessary. Try to keep from peeking too much.