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Full Fledged Farker
Jan 15, 2010
Oak Park, CA. Ventura County 91377
Name or Nickame
Hey Gang,

I went to RD and got 11 lbs. of choice angus beef ribs to break in "Robot".

I am thinking about a full chimney should be enough to get er done... I am looking for any tips, advice or tricks that come to mind!

Well my favorite way, which considering how I cook EVERYTHING else is kinda weird. Its Gonzales Style which are considered some of the best ribs in Texas.

After you have your ribs rubbed with a good dalmatian rub or whatever smoke them fat up for a bit - maybe an hour until they begin rendering. Then get a good pan (foil does not work as well) and stick those puppies fat down in the pan and smoke the rest of the way. This makes the ribs smoke in their own fat and fry a bit. The fat renders better and even makes a nice cracklin crust.
Still with no extra glazes or anything, pull out of the pan once you have a good crust and let smoke fat up again and probe for doneness. They will drain is why I rack them.
Shut your dampers and vents down and let them ride a bit without peeking as the temp goes down.
You might want to start with more than one full chimney. Better too much and it'll serve a duel purpose. Since its the trial run... after the ribs are done and off, you can shut down the intakes and see how well it puts out the coals. If all is working right, it should be nearly cold in about an hour and a half. Whatever coals are left over can be reused on the next go around.
Thanks! I have another 1/2 chimney of K blue standing by in case one won't go the distance.. but I only had enough in the Trader Joes bag for one full chimney.

I did read how people put in one, two or just filled the whole basket... And the thread about greying the whole chimney to get rid of chem smells.

I have the full chimney on top of a santa maria red oak chunk... smells yummy !!

The robot went 4 hours on a full chimney plus a chunk of red oak. It held steady at 230 / 240 for 3 hours. then it dipped to 220 or so.... so I rolled it back and forth a few feet so the vibration of the casters on the concrete would shake the coals, then I opened the other side 1" cap. The temps came back up just past 230 for the last hour.

Pulled the ribs, cut them into singles and dinner was served! They were great with so little fuss I had time to run to the store after I turned them at hour 2.

My UDS wishes came true... Long fuel efficient smokes that BLOW the char-griller away.

I shut the vents when I pulled the ribs off, and after dinner (one hour) I went out to check and it was stone cold.

I rolled it away under the overhang and felt really good about having built one.

Thanks to all that came before me and got this drum thing down to a science!