Turkey frying question


Full Fledged Farker
Aug 11, 2003
In fyring tyrkeys I have yet to find an injectable marinade I like. It seems no matter how you jiggle the injector (sounds kinky) there are still pockets of seasoning amid bland turkey. I was wondering if anyone has injected the bird the night before and let it set overnight before frying. Would this allow the seasoning to spread throughout the boid.

I wouldn't go all night but then maybe that's the flavor your looking for.

When you inject, inject in an "X" pattern:

Straight in, pull back a bit and go left, same and go right, same and go forward, and then back -- think of it as an asterisk *

Inject each portion of the bird - a bit more for the breasts.
I whole heartedly agree with Wayne, but to each their own. If injecting for frying, would it work better if you found a non-brined bird? A friend of mine gave up on injecting his fried bird because he felt the vast majority of the stuff boiled out and he was wasting his money and efforts injecting. If you started with a bird that wasn't already pumped full of brine would the injection stay in better?
A deep fried turkey is really good! Also, it's a real quick way to prepare something different for dinner, a party, or holiday meal.

The actual cooking only takes about 32-36 minutes for a 12 pound bird.

We love it!
I rarely if ever inject anymore..Try a good dusting
of Tony C's origional on the outside and inside. Fry at
325 to 350 for 3 to 31/2 minutes per pound( depends on
wind). It's wonderful tender and moist.
If you can't Tony's a simple PM to me with your address
will fix the problem
Fried turkey is by far the greatest way to eat turkey, granted i have never eaten a smoked turkey. Ok so ill just say fried turkey is way better than baked turkey! I did my first one last year and i think i will make it a tradition.
granted i have never eaten a smoked turkey.
Next time you smoke, try a turkey breast. They don't take a long time, and are very tasty. Makes great sandwiches. Fuller flavor and texture than deli smoked turkey. Last one I did I loosened the skin and covered the breast with a layer of Fatty, replaced the skin and smoked away. Very juicy and a good bit of the seasonings made its way into the breast.
Wayne said:
Why would a man with a smoker ever consider frying a turkey?

Wayne, just buy 2. One for the smoke, one for the fryer :p

Rick, are you injecting enough? For each injection sight, I am using at least 1, if not 2, full syringes of marinade. (Tony Chachere's Creole Butter)

As directed, I use the full bottle (17oz?) on the bird. I focus mainly on the white meat, since the chocolate meat is more fatty to begin with.

And like MikeG, its dusted with Tony C's on the outside (but I dust first, since rubbing after injecting tends to push marinade out)
ok, now I'm gonna have to go buy a fryer! Been wanting to try this for awhile anyways...
When turkey frying became mainstream around here (about 7-10 yrs ago) the popular injection was garlic and onion extracts mixed with tobasco. Has anyone used this?

I've had fried turkey several times and it is good, much better than roasted. I just prefer smoked as smoke is the one thing I've found that penetrates and flavors the breast completely.
ok, now I'm gonna have to go buy a fryer!
jt, big risk in buying a fryer. If you buy a fryer you'll really catch hell from the OL cause you won't use the new gas grill for anything anymore! :wink: :lol:
willkat98 said:
no, but Anna Rose Chang's nipples are on my desk top.

I'll bet that makes it interesting when you try to write...

Oh, this is qtalk - is $25 a good price for a fryer? Back on topic! :D
kcquer said:
ok, now I'm gonna have to go buy a fryer!
jt, big risk in buying a fryer. If you buy a fryer you'll really catch hell from the OL cause you won't use the new gas grill for anything anymore! :wink: :lol:

:D As you know I get it right now because I smoke more than grill! "Why did we buy that thing? You never use it. blah, blah blah" :D
jt said:
willkat98 said:
no, but Anna Rose Chang's nipples are on my desk top.

I'll bet that makes it interesting when you try to write...

Oh, this is qtalk - is $25 a good price for a fryer? Back on topic! :D


I use the fryer all the time.

Problem is, I only fry 6 times a year.

That 180,000 btu's start a chimney of anything in minutes.

I use a Cast Iron Pot for frying non turkey stuff. Its been on the patio for 2 weeks. Tonight, its fried chicken.

Cast Iron holds the heat much better than the aluminum turkey pots.

As for $25, sounds too cheap.

Get the 36quart Bayou Classic from Home Depot. You'll thank yourself for the extra BTU's and the extra 6 quart capacity when your first turkey nearly boils over.

SLOWLY lower that bird in there, or you'll have a surprise flash fire on your hands.

No time for nipples then.