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May 17, 2024
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This has to do with sausage making znd I want my sausages to have about 25% fat content, but I don't know if the shoulder fat cap is included when using pork shoulder. I guess I'm asking should I trim that fat cap off or include that in the sausage?
This has to do with sausage making znd I want my sausages to have about 25% fat content, but I don't know if the shoulder fat cap is included when using pork shoulder. I guess I'm asking should I trim that fat cap off or include that in the sausage?
Howdy and welcome Skip. I don't have an answer for you but you might want to post this question in the Q talk forum you will get more visibility there.
Welcome aboard, Skip!

As Ron mentioned, you'll get more replies to your questions in the Q Talk forum, but my .02 is that I use all the fat that comes on the shoulder in my sausage making.
I also save and rib or brisket trimmings and add it in as well.

There are definitely more knowledgeable people on here who take a lot more if a scientific approach, but I'm pretty happy with the results that I get.

Everyone here is more than happy to help out if possible!