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Found some matches.
Oct 21, 2008
Williamstown, NJ
Ok, I came across this method for obtaining "bite-thru" skin
on chicken. I saw it on 2-3 sites/forums. It involves spreading
mayonaise on skin, pre-spice, then do your normal pit cooking.
This had to be the worst, most rubbery chicken skin I have ever
cooked. Anyone else heard of this method? Was I scammed? or
did I just screw it up?
It is not a hoax, you might want to try again. I think Knucklhead on this site uses that method, I know someone does, to great succes.
I used mayo a couple of years back and it was pretty good then, but I have no idea of what I was farkin doing at the time that made it turn out :rolleyes:
They were whole birds and I think it was around 275 in the ECB
Now I can't find the thread, but, I know it is not a hoax, hopefully the Brethren that uses mayo chimes in here.
I marinate my pieces in an Alabama White sauce which is mayo-based, but I take the skin off before I do that. When I've left the skin on, it's been rubbery too.
Thanks all, just one failure. I'm right back in the saddle & will
keep workin on it. That's the fun part. Thanks for the tips & archive
I've put mayo on the skin just before putting on the cooker in side by side comparisons against other methods and found the mayo to make the skin more bite through.
Smokin Olkie is a Bretheren. He just happened to post it on Cook Shack before this site was established! :mod:

Smokin Okie here..

Yes, I'm a card carrying/payin' member of the Brethern and DAMN proud to say so.

Didnt know that. Is his process the same or do you know if he does anything different?

I don't know if you were scammed (PM me the exact recipe and I'll look it over).

I've used MAYO for years, along with my brining. Brining gives you the flavor down deep. Brining 101 only mentions Mayo on Turkey for Turkey 101, not sure if I've posted my exact chicken recipe (maybe I need to)?

Mayo is mostly oil, and it's the oil in the mayo that helps you.

Key is the temp (isn't it always) for skin. I've had great success (read that as high scoring chicken) by using the mayo (oil) in the 275 to 310 range. Really depends on your smoker and where it runs hot and at what temp.

Any questions?

Smokin Okie (King of Brining 101)