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Is lookin for wood to cook with.
Jun 17, 2010
Paso Robles, CA
After hearing about how crappy the COS smoker's thermometers are I decided to pull mine out (New Brunsfels c. 2001) and try it in boiling water. I had along for the ride a cheapo meat thermometer and a higher grade Pyrex Professional candy thermometer (the kind with the handy clip to hold on the side of the pot so you don't steam your hand). I figure that 2 out of 3 should give me a reliable number, and the 3rd might be off.

The candy thermo got to about 190F, 22 degrees below boiling when the water started to boil. I figured out a way with the rounded end of skewers to immerse the other ones w/o having to hold them with my hands. Hmm, same deal, 190F. Weird. Thinking about it, I figured later that it must be because I only had the last 1/2 inch or so of the thermometers in the water, so the heat was conducting up and radiating out into the cooler air. So if I were to do it again I guess should immerse them in a deeper pot. I guess it also says that when putting a probe into meat it should go as far in as possible (longest path) to avoid head conduction along the metal either towards or away from the tip.

Anyway, at least I know my NB's thermometer agrees with the other 2 and is more or less reliable. I replaced it in a new hole close to the grate.