I'm not going to make my post here that I originally thought I would because of my tendencies towards full mayhem jackassery. As evidence of this, please click on my profile and look at all posts by bigabyte.
Instead, I will say this. The human tongue picks up 5 flavors, one of which is the umami sense that MSG provdes so well. Additonally, MSG is a known excitotoxin meaning it makes the foods you taste seem more flavorful and exciting.
With this information in mind, questioning why people use MSG is really silly. The reason is right there.
Now some people are all about taking away peoples rights to have access to something they like. Some people like being anti-tobacco, or anti-alcohol, or anti-obese and they have their own good reasons for feeling that way.
What is great is that first off, they can choose to avoid these things, and then they can also effect change on others through awareness and then getting enough support to take away the right of others to partake in those things that these certain individuals feel are so bad they should be forced to avoid them.
I am not taking a side on whether or not this is how I would choose to be, I'm just stating that we have the rights to do these things in our society, stating it as a fact.
At one time there was Prohibition and nobody could drink alcohol. There are laws on the books of local jurisdictions everywhere, and even federal laws (on airplanes for example) that prohibit people from smoking tobacco. These things are great examples of people effecting change for things they think are so freaking important they need to impose their will on those who would otherwise prefer to live their own lines the way they would choose to.
The MSG debate fits perfectly in here. Some people choose to use it, and those who are in the business of making people get as excited about the taste of their food as possible are going to view MSG as a valuable tool. Some people won't like MSG for one reason or another and decide to just let others use MSG if they so desire. Some others simply won't be able to let this slide and will feel they need to make the decision for others on whether or not they should use MSG.
One thing is for certain though, those who wish to control the thoughts or decisions of others are not my friends. So don't expect me to support you in your cause, for whatever reason.
Freaking anti-freeze is poisonous as hell, and tastes very sweet. Hundreds of thousands of animals die from drinking this concoction spilled all over the place. So we better outlaw that and have a thread created for it because it is oh so very important.
Oh yeah, that would be stupid I guess.
Where were we again?