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Knows what WELOCME spells.
May 10, 2010
Washington, MO
What do you all think about having a page of this forum for only cookers / Smokers that are in the building process or have been built. Heck it is tough to find the complete builds post sometimes, I was thinking that if we had a place to go look then that would be a lot easier (not trying to recreate the wheel, just trying to make a suggestion). I love to look through all the pictures and to see the questions that everyone has asked. I have used the search feature but did not know if there was a suggestion box.
What does everyone think?
I like it I have seen other forums with such threads and I enjoy just going and looking at other peoples builds.Thats what I done before I built my 250 gallon smoker
Would it be too much to even suggest an entire forum for builds/mods? That way someone can make their own thread for their build and people who are interested in it can ask questions/comment on that specific build. Let's say I'm looking to build an offset, I can just look for all the threads with offset builds, rather than going through one big mega-thread with uprights and drum smokers, etc. I also think that having an entire thread for showcasing builds/seeking info on builds will help build more of a DIY sentiment amongst the community than just a simple thread.

Just my $0.02!
I wanted to open up a thread like this a while ago.
I also like looking at build pics and different kind of designs.
Over here the most people cook on Weber,some on Eggs and Primo's....1-2-3 people on UDS'.:becky:
It's nice to see that there are other thing that you can cook in/on.
So....I like this idea and want to see big rigs,miniature smokers,cabinet file smokers,fridge smokers etc....something I can show off on the Dutch forum.

Example what I saw last can tip it over and use it as a grill too.
The handles are also the smoke exhausts:







Phu, I've had my eye on that one.. Looks very interesting. Thanks for the details! :-D
Phu, I've had my eye on that one.. Looks very interesting. Thanks for the details! :-D


I think the guy in the red shirt builds them,excellent build and welding!
Jeroen (Dutch Admin) was cooking with him the whole day I think.
If I'm correct he used the basket in the 3rd pic for a rotisserie,you can see a small hole if you look close.
I was thinking a whole new tab, For example on the homepage you would see QTalk, -----, -----, -----, and The Great Build. Then under that you would have sub forums under that for UDS, 250 gal..., or maybe Small (size of 55gal or smaller), Medium (150gal - 56 gal), and Large 150gal and up. Then under that you could see maybe different pix and complete builds.
Just my 2 cents but I think it would be awesome, I want to build a new one this fall and looking for ideas. Now we just need to get a MOD to look at this thread and like the idea.. Anyone....
I got my tail end whipped when I brought up subforums when I first strated reading here. I had the same idea- QTalk divided into General, Builds, and Food Pron, but it was quickly and almost unanimously turned down. I like the people and the content here and have gotten used to the format that they chose to use, but I think the layout could be altered to make it more user friendly for new people strolling in. That's just my $0.02.

Using the search feature, along with "tag" words tied onto each post, was the tip given for finding ancient posts, you know, like 4 days old. I agree, a build on a Tuesday is usually on the 5th page on a Thursday. I like the people and the content here and have gotten used to the format that they chose to use, but I think the layout could be altered to make it more user friendly for new people strolling in. That's just my $0.02.

Oh, and if you think a mod hasn't read this yet, you'd be wrong. FYI, there is a couple of places in the discussion area to make suggestions to them, or you could send a PM to BBQChef33, or to some other admin or mod who will pass it on.
I really like that idea. I am finishing up my 250 gallon reverse flow smoker and I've taken pictures of the build from start to finish. I was going to post them on another site and still might. But because I alway start my day here it would be nice to have a place on the Brethren to put them also.