I was exhasted by the end of the day yesterday i needed somthing similar to the morning after pill that fixes your hangovers. First of all I got to Wal-Mart and all they had were 12# Briskets so i bought a 12 pounder for around $19. I cut the Brisket in half because i didn't think the whole thing would fit in the smoker. Then i put it in Tk's Dr Pepper marinade. I woke up yesterday at about 7:30am and started working on the fire at 8am. The fire was ready at about 9am and that is when i put the Brisket on. I was hoping it would be done around 7 or 8pm but it wasn't. At 6:30 the internal temps were around 145 but i decided to put it in foil anyway to try and speed up the process. At around 8 i took it outand the temps were 170 and 160, but everyone was hungry and ready to eat. So i just decided to slice up the flat and serve that and roast the other half in the oven a little longer. The flat had an excellent color but was tough and dry. I mopped it every 30 minutes except for two times because i lost track of time. If i had gotten it up to 190 would that have made it more tender?