Contrary to what many do with the Minion/wicking method...
I use two chimneys and pre-gray all my charcoal before loading my UDS basket. It's a habit I picked up from years of briquette use.
I light it all in the chimney, pour into the charcoal basket, let it breath a minute, then drop the basket into my UDS. I immediately cut airflow and exhaust to a minimum (maybe 1" intake and 1.5" exhaust) until my temps drop to cooking range.
Using a turkey fryer to light the chimneys the entire process from bag to cook temp only takes me about 30 to 40 minutes.
As for cook times, I've used this method and gotten consistent 12 hour plus cooks on my UDS smokers.
Normally I wait for my temps to drop to cooking range, around 230, and then add my smoke wood/chips maybe 5 minutes prior to adding meats.
Again, just something I picked up from years of using briquettes. I just prefer to burn it all gray and get rid of most of any additives.
Since expanding my experiences with UDS smokers I've pretty much switched from briquettes to lump, but I still use the same method. I have tried to use the Minion/wicking method in my UDS and I'm not pleased with the steady flows of white smoke from the raw charcoals.
IMHO the UDS is a sealed enough system that once you tame the temps down your choice of fuel will only burn so fast with so much air flow. I have not encountered the bad, yellow choking fire smoke others have said I might encounter using the process.
I helped a buddy of mine build his own UDS and he doesn't like chimneys for charcoal starting. He uses an electric element charcoal starter - places it in his UDS charcoal basket, pours his lump on top, lets the electric do it's work for 10 to 15 minutes, allows the entire basket to breath til gray, and then loads and controls the temps down to cooking levels.
Just MHO. Give it a try.
I never have charcoal tasting food.
Here's a thread I posted a while back: