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is One Chatty Farker
Aug 15, 2010
Pleasanton, CA
Last week I was fortunate to win a Mini BGE as a very generous People's Choice prize at the Eggs By The Bay Eggfest. After giving it a slick east indian rosewood handle upgrade from brother martyleach, I set it up on the table and prepared for my first cook on it:


it'll never be this clean again:

just a bit of size difference compared to the XL:

got it fired it up & stabilized:

Steph had rushed out some SM Cherry in time for me to use in making MOINK balls at the Eggfest and in the package included this sample of Sweet Seduction that caught my eye:

I couldn't think of a more fitting way to break in the Mini than to try out the Sweet Seduction on some chicken quarters that I had cut up:






I think you have a winner in that rub Steph! It was a little sweeter than the SM Cherry Rub (also great on chicken IMO) but not overly sweet. Mrs R2 & I really liked the sweetness & flavor that came out with the chicken! It was quite tasty.

When you start selling it I will definitely be buying some!
Nice looking cook! I appreciate the breakdown on Steph's rub " Sweet Seduction" great name and nice color. (Does Mrs. R2 know you call her that? ;-)

Thanks for the PrOn - always a nice job with the camera.
Nice looking cook! I appreciate the breakdown on Steph's rub " Sweet Seduction" great name and nice color. (Does Mrs. R2 know you call her that? ;-)

Thanks for the PrOn - always a nice job with the camera.

Shhhh, don't tell her I call her that :heh:.
That's not just nice looking chicken, that's incredible. Most pictures of chicken don't make you salivate like good brisket/butt/rib pron, but those do!
That's pretty cool, i too was fortunate enough to get a bag of that sweet seduction also, I did 6 rack of BB's yesterday rubbed in it and smoked with cherry wood, they where to die for. I like you little egg, he's cute!!!
That's pretty cool, i too was fortunate enough to get a bag of that sweet seduction also, I did 6 rack of BB's yesterday rubbed in it and smoked with cherry wood, they where to die for. I like you little egg, he's cute!!!

I bet it was great on those BBs! My guess would be it'll be really nice on chicken & pork. I'm tempted to try what I have let on some fruit like maybe grilled peaches.


I really liked the looks of the food. I know your post was about the little green egg, but I would really like to know where I can get the cherry rub you mentioned in your post. I am looking for rubs that will go with chicken.
I have been using rubs out of Texas but I want something that is less harsh.

I really liked the looks of the food. I know your post was about the little green egg, but I would really like to know where I can get the cherry rub you mentioned in your post. I am looking for rubs that will go with chicken.
I have been using rubs out of Texas but I want something that is less harsh.


Check out the Simply Marvelous BBQ store. You can also send a private message to our fellow brethren Big Brother Smoke who makes the Simply Marvelous Cherry and a few other outstanding rubs. Maybe he can direct you to a local BBQ specialty store that carries his rubs.
Nice job on the chicken!

Did you have any problems with the chicken fat flaring up on the mini?
Nice job on the chicken!

Did you have any problems with the chicken fat flaring up on the mini?

Thx! I cooked up two sets each of the breast/wing and leg quarters and flare ups got the skin on one of the leg quarters a little too charred for pron. I'm thinking of getting something (like a mini woo ring) to allow for a small drip pan or pizza stone so I can do some raised direct or indirect cooking.