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Chef Jim

Babbling Farker
Feb 7, 2010
Tequesta, Florida
My second child is gone, I sold her. :sad:

But I still have my first and third children. When I bought the Pro Q, Sharon, (BHSLH) told me I had to get rid of one of the kids. Everyone knows that the middle child is the least wanted, so the NB Offset is history.

I love my Bandera and the Pro Q still has me in the learning stages. I raised the fire grate and my temps are much better. But it is nearly impossible to add wood for smoke. I'll start a new thread about that soon.

Hope you all have had as good a day as I have.
Sorry to hear you had to thin the herd.

I always let a good friend adopt my old "children" so I know they have a good home and so I can visit them from time to time. I just placed my old 22.5" OTS into an old friend's backyard after the arrival of the new 26" OTG.
<sniff sniff> They just grow up so darn fast!

Don't think of it as selling her. Think of it as someone gave you a dowry for her hand in marriage. It'll make you feel better!
Sorry for your loss :pray:

:-D But think you have room for another..... just figure out how to sneak one by the BHSLH :rolleyes: :-D:-D:-D