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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Really didn’t even plan much for today. 3.5 mi urban hike and a ginger Kambuchka (sp) breakfast. Went to check a Prime Sale st WM. Ended up buying a cute 12# Choice brisket at 2.56#. Well shucks, as long as the SOB was fired running Cowboy briquettes and a blend of hickory Post Oak And mesquite, I loaded. Brisket, habanero peach wings, Keeter Custom German And some sliced belly. Made up a yellow/zucchini bacon cheddar in the cast iron #5. The hood smells grand.
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Probably lost $10 on the trim. Meat looks excellent
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It shook like jello. I don’t hit that every time.
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That shot "The End" Clearly looks like the beginning of some delicious eats. The veg, wings and sausage was definitely a great start.