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Full Fledged Farker
Aug 30, 2009
Ocala, FL
This may sound like a stupid question but..... I have a lot of bamboo in my yard. You can eat the shoots when they first come up and they use it as a hardwood floor material. I asked on a bamboo forum and the only info I received was that you can't put a length of bamboo in with closed nodes on each end or it will pop.

So, my question is has anyone ever smoked with bamboo? How is the flavor? I have seen where some South Pacific cultures cook using bamboo but not sure if it is used for smoke or just as a heat source. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
No idea! But, I think we're going to cut down some bamboo on one of our plots. I'll see if I can get some, dry it, and smoke with it.

I'll compare it to bagul. :)
I think I'm going to try it to James. I have some seasoned from last year. I figure it will have a milder taste. I will post results some time soon. Might be the next big thing!
i see no reason why ya can't use it to smoke. many use them to cook in or to steam whatever needs to be cooked. adds a bit of flavor.