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Was going to smoke some pulled pork(on a WSM) on the 4th but the forcast is calling for heavy rain. Is it still possible to maintain temp or is it just to much trouble. Any advice would be appreciated.
How good are you at maintaining temps in your WSM? What is the temp forecast? You could always wrap your WSM in house insulation. Are you going to be under cover, or out in the weather? Is it supposed to be windy? Could you cook tomorrow, and reheat for the 4th?

Too many variables. When it's wet or windy, I cook in my 6'X6' covered dog

Unfortunately ...I have cooked more than once in pouring rain on my offset , with no overhead protection . Just as long as fire does not go out you will be fine... I had some really wet feet sometimes , with about a inch or two of water on the ground...LOL
I could probably cook the pork tomorrow. Would I just pull it like normal. When it cools do i need to put in freezer or just put in the fridge. What would be the best way to reheat the next day?
A WSM doesn't have a very large footprint, so just rig up some method of having an umbrella over the WSM will work. I just bungie-cord a big umbrella to a deck chair and set it next to the WSM and I'm good to go.
Thanks for the link Matt. It looks like a heavy rain tomorrow( 1-3 inches). I'm going to fire up the smoker today, while it is nice out and reheat the pork tomorrow in the slow cooker. Thanks for the help.
I use the Fisher Price "Casa de Pork" available at toy stores everywhere! Kidding aside, its a perfect fit and works like a dream.
casa do pork.JPG

casa de pork 2.JPG
if you get the wind we have had the last 3 days, the rain will be the least of your worries, even a 90+ degree wind is a hinderence at 30-40 mph. :mad:

good luck.
Don't know much about smoking in the rain, snow is a different subject. I imagine as long as you have fire, and a rainsuit you'll be fine.
I have smoked in the rain several times, only trouble I had was mud tracked in. The end result got me out of trouble.
why not grab a big plastic trashcan and flip it over on top of the WSM. Cut a few holes in the top to let excess smoke out and raise the bottom up on some bricks/rocks/scrap wood to let air in the bottom. I do the same basic thing with my little chief in the winter to help act as an insulator but i imagine it would work just as well as a rain/wind shield. Caveat the little chief is pretty small and a cold smoker so it doesn't put out heat like a WSM so i cannot guarantee that the trashcan won't melt if you use plastic.