Smoked turkey legs



Can anyone help me was thinking about doing pulled pork and turkey legs for stuporbowl.... sunday and I need a recipie for the legs ...the pulled pork is totally under my controll but the legs are'nt....

Welcome back!

Inject them if you want (I usually don't). Cook them like any other poultry - I usually do poultry a bit hotter (around 275 or higher). Use your favorite poultry rub on the outside - and use olive oil (I use PAM, but then I'm usually doing 1-10 cases of turkey) or other oil to help the rub to stick and help brown the skin.

How long they cook depends on the size of the turkey legs. The last ones I did were about 2# each so took 2 hours or so.

Relax - they are poultry!!
After they've smoked till done - toss them on a hot grill to crisp up the skin, then slather with q-sauce and serve with an ice cold beer. That's stuporbowl grub for ya.
Turkey legs are one of the easiest things to cook IMO. I just give them a good salty but spicey rub and some for about 3 hrs. No foiling reccomended, it just makes the skin tougher. Finishing them on the grill side is a good idea TK. Must try that next time. I know that they are done when they pull back from the bone about 1/2 inch.
I love my Turkey Drummies!

All of the above is good advice.
I have even done a 3-2-1 and that works also.

I do recommend probing to make sure you get to 180 degrees meat temp.

Also, using the higher (275-300 degree chamber temp) puts the meat through the "danger zone" quickly and helps to prevent drying out!

Enjoy--they are simple!

BigdogSmoker said:
Tim, can you get an accurate temp. reading with all the bone thingies inside?
To the best of my knowledge--yes.
The little thingies should not mess up the reading.
DF and I probe from the big end and go in 2 inches or so--seems to work fine!
Just stay off of the biggo bone, obviously.

Not an exact science (never is). Just poke a couple of times if in doubt :lol:
