Apple, cherry, peach, pear, and grape are all excellent fruit woods to smoke with. Hickory, red oak, and sugar maple are also favorites of mine to use. I'm not a big mesquite fan, a little on the heavy smoke side for me, but is a good smoking wood too.
Tim is right, you don't want to contamiate your pork or beef products by having the poultry drip onto them. Poultry always on the bottom or beside in a bullet type smoker
Pork is "done" at 160*, but when doing pulled pork, (pork butts or shoulders) we take to 195*-205* to help break down the collegens, thus pulled pork. Poultry breast meat is "done" in the 160*-165* range, where the dark meat is done at 180*-185*. Blood from the thigh bone/leg bone joint is usually the culprit to any possible contamination. This is where I probe to check for doneness, thus it creates a hole for leakage, which if on top of pork or beef products in your smoker, could lead to contamination. Long winded I know, but may save you from a belly ache.