Hello Ladies.... I just may be coming somewhat human soon.. A few brothers have been privvy to where I have been and giving me the backbone that I lacked.. and because that.. TONIGHT I MADE RIBS!!!
Me.. Phil.. has not fired up a smoker in nearly a month... I BROILED steaks twice for my kids, not even wanting to grill and dropped 15 lbs in 3 weeks.... Low and behold!!! tonight 6 racks of babybacks and 10 lbs of Wings emerged from the Backyard Chef. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to make it to restaurant depot for a brisket and 2 butts for thanksgiving.
Hittin the road again on Sunday for a wednesday return. TK, I'll be in Hearndon, VA. If your around.
Damn.. these ribs were kickjass, made them a little differently in tehnique this time around. Rubbed them down good withy some of that rub Brian brought to the bash.. Brian, the ones with the pepper pieces in it??? Cooked over Richies Red Oak and Cherry. All wood.. little bits of lump. But after about 4 hours instead of foiling them, I started to slosh them down in dreamland thinned out a little with applejuice and heated up(kept hot). Mopped them down every 10-15 minutes real heavy, afetr about 45 minutes, I turned them over and poured dreamland onto the membrane side and let it pool there... would open up and brush it around a little , but kept the puddle in place. Alos kept the fire stoked to compensate for the frequent opening to mop. Did the Mop Mod for abut an hour 115 and took them out...
WEll ladies.. if your cooking for therapy, and are willing to babysit and mop and talk to the ribs.. these came out excellent!! Being they werent foiled, the meat had alot of body to it(not too soft).. tugged off the bone instead of falling off. Excellent!!! Damn.. now all I need is an appetite to polish off the whole rack.. but tonight small half rack did it for me... But the kids and wife finished off 3 racks on there own.. Tomorrw.. off to get a few butts.. and firing up the beast for the day.. Id I run out of time, I transfer to the WSM for the duration.
And just think.. I even moved the burner and chimney away from the pile of leaves this time.
Me.. Phil.. has not fired up a smoker in nearly a month... I BROILED steaks twice for my kids, not even wanting to grill and dropped 15 lbs in 3 weeks.... Low and behold!!! tonight 6 racks of babybacks and 10 lbs of Wings emerged from the Backyard Chef. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to make it to restaurant depot for a brisket and 2 butts for thanksgiving.
Hittin the road again on Sunday for a wednesday return. TK, I'll be in Hearndon, VA. If your around.
Damn.. these ribs were kickjass, made them a little differently in tehnique this time around. Rubbed them down good withy some of that rub Brian brought to the bash.. Brian, the ones with the pepper pieces in it??? Cooked over Richies Red Oak and Cherry. All wood.. little bits of lump. But after about 4 hours instead of foiling them, I started to slosh them down in dreamland thinned out a little with applejuice and heated up(kept hot). Mopped them down every 10-15 minutes real heavy, afetr about 45 minutes, I turned them over and poured dreamland onto the membrane side and let it pool there... would open up and brush it around a little , but kept the puddle in place. Alos kept the fire stoked to compensate for the frequent opening to mop. Did the Mop Mod for abut an hour 115 and took them out...
WEll ladies.. if your cooking for therapy, and are willing to babysit and mop and talk to the ribs.. these came out excellent!! Being they werent foiled, the meat had alot of body to it(not too soft).. tugged off the bone instead of falling off. Excellent!!! Damn.. now all I need is an appetite to polish off the whole rack.. but tonight small half rack did it for me... But the kids and wife finished off 3 racks on there own.. Tomorrw.. off to get a few butts.. and firing up the beast for the day.. Id I run out of time, I transfer to the WSM for the duration.
And just think.. I even moved the burner and chimney away from the pile of leaves this time.