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Salmon cook today

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Gonna miss church today. I have salmon that will have been brining for eight hours in a dill brine. Gonna smoke it over apple on a cedar plank (never done the plank thing hope it isn't a mistake). Smoking LOW and slow tomorrow, salmon will take hours to cook. A few peices of rosemary on top.
can't wait. :wink:

I wouldn't bother with the wood plank in a smoker. I dont think it will do anything. The woodplank is for grilling. Put the woodplank over direct heat and the bottom chars up and smokes thru the grain penetrating the plank into the fish. That wont happen in a smoker. I really dont think the plank will offer anything to the fish ant the temps we spoke at and will jsut waste the plank. Save that plank for over a hot grill with the fish on top. You wont regret it.

Woodplank salmon is probably my favorite way of preparing it, and its done in about half an hour to 40 minutes for a big fillet. But thats on a hot grill, lid closed.

In the smoker, i do it 2 ways, either i cook it it on a rack, with a foil pan below it to catch the juices. this lets smoke hit both sides, and I keep temps around 210. or, i put it in a foil "boat" and let it bast in its own juices, Do it this way around 250. Both are great.

BTW, i usually use big fillets, not whole salmons. Dont know which your using, but either way, the plank is more for the grilling.
Thanks for the word. I'll skip the plank. Raining buckets outside, and in a little while I gotta go out and start the smoker...Oh well, at least the rain will make it easier to maintain the low (180) temp I want to smoke at.
Well, the results are in. Taste was fine, food was overcooked. No one left any leftovers, there never are when we smoke a salmon, but DANGIT! Call me prissy but DANGIT when the meat is ready its TIME TO EAT!!!! I hate keeping something warm just cause the vegetable isnt ready or someone's not here yet. I'll work on my timing, but salmon isn't very forgiving. As soon as the meat hits 160 its DONE and any more time it cooks is time that its past it's peak. Anyone else out there a primadonna about their Q?

I cant say haw many battels there have been here cause I say "Foods coming off"... which is my way of telling the wife and kids to stop farkin around a set the table and get things ready. I figure since I've been cooking for an hour or 15, they could set the table and make a salad or whatever... Butr FARK NO... so many times, i bring the stuff in and only THEN do they start, then the sh*t is either cold when we eat it or overcooked caue i put it in the oven at like 120-140.. And of course I sit down pissed off with an attitude problem. I started sayoin 'foods done" like, an hour in sadvance to see if that worked, but they figured it out after 3-4 times, so we back to the battle. Now, i just start eatin outside in the pit and they get the leftovers when the table is made. I won. :)
LOL, I thought I was the only primadonna when it comes to cooking. I'm the same way, believe me. It's like role reversal with me and the wifey when it comes to cooking, when I've been tending a fire or cooking in the kitchen all day, dammit when I say it's time to eat it's time to eat.
Preaching to the choir! We have some friends that are perpetually late. If we meet at a restaurant I can live with bleeding cash while I cool my heels in the bar. When I have something in the smoker or on the grill I expect you to be on time to eat. Showing up late is just rude, with no excuse unless it was something beyond your control. I once exiled myself to the bedroom after a guest, that showed up over an hour late, commented that the food was 'still very good'. Got up, grabbed a couple of beers from the kitchen, called the dogs, and went to the back of the house. The better half started to lecture me on courtesy and the battle was joined.

POOPIE, I thought I was the only ONE, I have spent half of my free time waiting in the car for the Kitchenbitichmatic to leave the house and the other half trying to expalin why we are late! This realy pisses me off!

I'm with Phil, 16 hrs cooking and making the dead line for dinner, only to find out the farking slaw is not ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :!:
Anyone else out there a primadonna about their Q?

Is a pig's ass pork??

Brother, you just really became a brother!! We all gripe about this issue.

Either: "Is it done yet" or "Uncle Farker isn't here yet" :D
Love Phil's solution--start eating outside--they can eat when they get their..act..together! I may use that sometime! Surprisingly, I only have that problem with my wife...our freinds show up EARLY! To keep them happy I usually smoke them links to knosh on while the entre finishes (something my wife doesn't understand. She thinks "why cook them one kind of meat to snack on if your just going to serve them something else in a little bit?) She will never get it. On the other hand she doesn't have to watch her weight like I do either. (downside of good Q)
screw it... I've just started eating... when I get the "why didnt you wait for me?" look or whine line.. I just say... hey look, I cooked, it was ready, I told you when it would be ready... I hate cold/overcooked food... you know that... when I say dinner time that doesnt mean "get ready for dinner time" it means get you ass to the table or I'm startin without ya...


You know, you can cooler a lot of the Barbecue and they come out better for it. Brisket, and pulled pork, dry ribs, chicken to name a few. But some things demand attention, like medium rare ANYTHING, wet ribs, and fish. Salmon is unbelievably picky. I am still trying to nail down a technique of my own that I can count on everytime, and while I enjoy the challenge I DO NOT enjoy having to time it to the minute! I guess I'm a prima donna, but Like Phil said, after cooking for ten hours, no, I don't want to wait ten more minutes!

Whew, I feel better now! :lol:
DANGIT! Call me prissy but DANGIT when the meat is ready its TIME TO EAT!!!!

That's right. One of the reasons I smoke so oftem over Mike's place now is because I don't have to adjust the farking schedule for no one. When it's done - we're eating, and we stagger the cooking so we can eat most of the day. Usually when the last of the food comes off and into the cooler mod, we've already had our fill. It's like a mini bash every weekend over there.
Got a saying around our house, stole it from the TV show "Everybody loves Raymond": dinner is 6:00 A.I.S. that means "Ass In Seat" if your not sitting your not eating, or you fix your own dang food! Works wonders with teenagers.