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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Jan 22, 2010
Tacoma, WA
After my first attempt at ribs I decided I would cut them in half before cooking them. Am I alone in this practice? I find them much easier to handle in every way. All the pictures I see posted are full racks so I just had to ask.

My F-i-L butchers his own meat and cuts the rib apart right when he gets them cut out of the Half of Beef. To me it seems to make them tough when cut to singles.
Full racks don't fit in my 18" WSM unless they are curled. A whole less trouble to cut in 1/2 & use a rib rack. Echo "They all eat the same".
Have to say that the ones I've done on my WQ100 and the rib rack I cut in half as it makes the cover fit better, along with the wood chip box.
As been said, I will echo they eat the same!
I'm sure you've violated some sort of code by cutting your ribs in half, and that all the flavor leaks out of the cut in the middle during the cooking process.

Just to be sure, ship some down south next time you make them.
I haven't tried it yet, though I know a lot do it all the time. My problem is, the ends of my ribs are always dryer and less tasty than the middle ribs. Does cutting them give you four dry ends rather than two?
I used to do it all the time when I had a smaller cooker. It really came down to a space issue. No difference in taste, cut or not.