Full Fledged Farker
After using several ideas from members here, and an idea I threw in, I now have 'my' way to do pulled pork.
185º was key. The 185º internal temp of the pork is what got it to 'pulled' stage (I believe?). Just dry rubbed with cajun seasoning I Q`ed at 200º to 250º for about 12 hours (with all the skin and fat on a 12lb shoulder). It was BigAL I believe that gave me the idea of Q`ing the day before and sealing the meat in foil and placing it in a Igloo cooler over night. I thought of adding a heating pad in the cooler to keep everything nice and warm `till eating time the next day 12+ hours later.
The pork shoulder fell apart in my hands nice and warm as I lifted it out of the bags. Could`nt even use a knife. Just tore it apart and served. Seriously moist shreaded Q
185º was key. The 185º internal temp of the pork is what got it to 'pulled' stage (I believe?). Just dry rubbed with cajun seasoning I Q`ed at 200º to 250º for about 12 hours (with all the skin and fat on a 12lb shoulder). It was BigAL I believe that gave me the idea of Q`ing the day before and sealing the meat in foil and placing it in a Igloo cooler over night. I thought of adding a heating pad in the cooler to keep everything nice and warm `till eating time the next day 12+ hours later.
The pork shoulder fell apart in my hands nice and warm as I lifted it out of the bags. Could`nt even use a knife. Just tore it apart and served. Seriously moist shreaded Q