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Full Fledged Farker
Mar 26, 2010
milwaukee, wi
How much water do you put in the water pan? I did a 3.5lb chuckie on Sat and the water pan was nothing but crispy goo after 5-6 hours. No yummy juices.
I put in about 6 cups of water.
IF the cook temp is over 212 you will lose water quiickly. I check it each time I mop and add water (or whatever I'm using) as needed throughout the cook.
6 cups of water for me would probably only last about an hour. I fill my wsm water pan to the top (3 gal) . It lasts at least 8 hrs. I've never used the juices in the pan for eating not saying you couldn't.
Mine holds about a gallon of water and I have to refill about every 1.5 hours. I've recently starting putting the water pan on the middle rack. Still boils but I don't have to fill it nearly as much.
I usually fill the pan up 2/3 and keep an eye on it.
One of the best pieces of Brethren advise for me was wrap that water pan in heavy foil for ease of clean up :thumb: