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Chef Jim

Babbling Farker
Feb 7, 2010
Tequesta, Florida
Some of you recently purchased the Pro Q Excel 20. So how do you like it? And does anyone have a source? The guy on ebay is gone, says shipping is too much. I'm still trying to send me one anyway.

In a previous thread there were a few comments about asking, Ian. Does any one know who that is?

Thanks, Jim
I bought mine on ebay just 2 weeks ago. Ian is Ian Mack from the UK I believe. he designed the ProQ smokers and sells them in the UK. He visits this and other BBQ forum frequently.
I've got the smaller Frontier and I love it. My wife says it's the best BBQ purchase I've ever made (just wait till the UDS is finished...). It's easy to use and will hold a 250* temp rock solid for 10-12 hours - usually. Tornados and other severe weather apparantly will keep the temps down around 200* :wink:, but short of that, the thing is awesome. The only complaint I have about it is that I can't get higher temps in it. 250* is pretty much as high as it goes. But the Frontier only has a single air intake. I think the Excels have two.
there is still a guy that is selling them on ebay... just not the one that gives a free extender or free shipping. I was seriously going to buy one but now it seems they may be a little more than i want to spend. O well i guess we will see.
Hi Jim. I was one who just got a ProQ and I LOVE it. It actually has 3 air intakes and I can hold the temp just under 250 or take it over 300 ( I don`t use water in my pan I just foil it) with no problem. I will probly make a gasket with ATV for the doors they do let in a little extra air but this should fix it. I smoked a couple of Butts and 2 cheese filled beef fatties and some ABT`s only using 2 of my 3 stackers and had plenty of room for more food on it. I ran the ProQ for almost 18 hours and did have to refill the basket about 12 or 14 hours in, I was using lump coal on that cook. Hope this helps if you have any questions about it just message me.
here it is at work


and how it does


I just looked it up for you Jim in the US the Excel 20 is being sold as "Napoleon Apollo Series AS300K" I did a search on them and found them starting at 355 and going up to 400.
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I purchased a very similar unit at Sears just over a year ago...a BBQ Pro Dome Smoker. I think I paid $17. I have had great luck with it and would love to find another but no luck.


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I bought mine on ebay just 2 weeks ago. Ian is Ian Mack from the UK I believe. he designed the ProQ smokers and sells them in the UK. He visits this and other BBQ forum frequently.

Thanks, he is a member so I'll send him a PM.

there is still a guy that is selling them on ebay... just not the one that gives a free extender or free shipping. I was seriously going to buy one but now it seems they may be a little more than i want to spend. O well i guess we will see.

I emailed him, he doesn't know what the third stacker is. Says that they only make them for the smaller units.

I just looked it up for you Jim in the US the Excel 20 is being sold as "Napoleon Apollo Series AS300K" I did a search on them and found them starting at 355 and going up to 400.

Thanks lionhrt, I googled that term. Looks the dame but pricey, and with no third stack.
I lucked out pulling the trigger when I did I got the 3rd stacker and a hole bunch of swag and shipping thrown in on mine..Had to fire mine up today. It smells so good around here
Just cut a deal with the original ebay seller. Not as good as the original offer he had, but workable.

Thank for all the info. Will let everyone know when it arrives cause I'm coing to have to learn how to smoke all over again. :clap2::clap2::laugh::laugh:
I purchased a very similar unit at Sears just over a year ago...a BBQ Pro Dome Smoker. I think I paid $17. I have had great luck with it and would love to find another but no luck.

That's a WSM isn't it? :heh:

Jim replied to your PM, but it seems you've been able to get sorted out.

The stackables are great for accessing meats on lower levels and transporting. I think they've discontinued making this model b/c I can't find another anywhere, even searching online. Though now with two Traegers, two bullets and an offset the stable of smokers is getting quite large.