Prima Donna


Quintessential Chatty Farker
Apr 21, 2006
Per the discussion last week of super prime turkeys going for $50 and I said no way would I ever do that....well guess who has a $50 turkey in the fridge!
My son the deputy sheriff has a jailer that runs a several generation turkey farm and they were talking and his buddy axed him if he ever had a fresh, cage less, free range, corn fed turkey and he says no. So his buddy said when he got home would go out and grab one and extinguish and bag one for him. The kid asked him what he wanted for it and the guy says they go for around $50 but don't worry about it.
So I have a 2 day old fresh turkey in a plastic bag in the garage fridge with intentions of Harvest brining it on Tues. Do I need to worry about spoilage before cooking next Thur.? Is it necessary to freeze for 2 or 3 days?
Also what is exactly the process for using the Harvest brine? Sprinkle under and on the skin on Tues. and leave unwrapped till Thur. morning?