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Full Fledged Farker
Oct 11, 2009
Germany. I'm not German. Just live here.
I took some ribs to my barber to try out. He gave one of his customers a rib to taste and now the guy wants me to cook 3-4 racks of spares for him. I told him to supply the ribs and I'll do the rest.
How much should I charge him for my outstanding cooking skills? :p
he's supplying? Cover your fuel cost, and your time, and your rub/sauce. My guess, 5hrs, 10bucks for charcoal, another 5 for sauce. hmm, germany, not many bbq joints there. But ours in NY get about $20 a rack. For $80, if it's worth it, go for it, for me, idk, i value my time a little higher than 18/hr
I wouldn't let him buy the ribs. You won't know how they are stored etc. You will take all the blame if they aren't stored correctly and someone gets sick. I would price similar to,what a,Que joint charges. If your time is worth the cash do it or plan it around a cook for yourself
I wouldn't let him buy the ribs. You won't know how they are stored etc. You will take all the blame if they aren't stored correctly and someone gets sick. I would price similar to,what a,Que joint charges. If your time is worth the cash do it or plan it around a cook for yourself

Like he said, I'm thinkin you don't even know this guy?
I'm a little more trusting and I make friends quickly. I'm sure these are coming straight from the store or butcher and aren't found in an alleyway somewhere. :rolleyes: There's no way I would charge a "reasonable" rate for making a few racks of ribs. What I would do typically is have him give me 5-8 racks, depending on how hungry I am. I'd give him 3-4 and I'd typically keep 2-4 for my dinner -- it seems cheap, but I figure I'm getting dinner out of it. If you feel more comfortable buying it then that's fine too, but for such a small job, I think this is the only thing that really make sense. There is virtually no difference in cost or effort. I've gotten a meal and made a friend.
i have come across a similar situation where i cooked 6 racks for a guy i supplied the ribs and he gave me cost plus twenty and 2 racks and a promise that when its time for the family renunion i will be the one cooking and he has rich relatives to pay for it all.