Texas Hogger
Full Fledged Farker
So I wanted to enter the "Cast Iron" throwdown and there was a pork butt sitting in the fridge just waiting to be cooked.
I thought about smoking it in a cast iron dutch oven and then pulling it, but in keeping with the spirit of the throwdowns, I wanted to challenge myself by doing something I haven't tried before.
After a little bit of research I came across what I hoped would be a good Idea.
Stuffed Pork Butt.
I started by de-boning and butterflying the butt.
Then I sauteed some chopped onion, garlic, and green chiles.
I spread that on the meat and sprinkled on some cotija cheese and some Red rub from Hard Core Carnivore.
After rolling it up and tying it, it was time to put it into the smoke. Since the name of the throwdown was "Cast Iron" I put a cast iron griddle down on top of the cooking grate of my drum smoker before throwing the butt in at 300 degrees.
When the internal temp hit 165 out she came.
I had no idea what the results would be. There were many times when I was experimenting with something outside my comfort zone that I was sorely disappointed. But I keep on swinging for the fences. The home runs have a way of easing the shame and embarrassment of the failures.
I didn't strike out this time, but I didn't knock it out of the park either. I wasn't completely disappointed but I am already thinking about what I'm going to do differently next time.
Thanks for looking. Enjoy the pron.
I thought about smoking it in a cast iron dutch oven and then pulling it, but in keeping with the spirit of the throwdowns, I wanted to challenge myself by doing something I haven't tried before.
After a little bit of research I came across what I hoped would be a good Idea.
Stuffed Pork Butt.
I started by de-boning and butterflying the butt.
Then I sauteed some chopped onion, garlic, and green chiles.
I spread that on the meat and sprinkled on some cotija cheese and some Red rub from Hard Core Carnivore.
After rolling it up and tying it, it was time to put it into the smoke. Since the name of the throwdown was "Cast Iron" I put a cast iron griddle down on top of the cooking grate of my drum smoker before throwing the butt in at 300 degrees.
When the internal temp hit 165 out she came.
I had no idea what the results would be. There were many times when I was experimenting with something outside my comfort zone that I was sorely disappointed. But I keep on swinging for the fences. The home runs have a way of easing the shame and embarrassment of the failures.
I didn't strike out this time, but I didn't knock it out of the park either. I wasn't completely disappointed but I am already thinking about what I'm going to do differently next time.
Thanks for looking. Enjoy the pron.
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