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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Nov 13, 2011
york, pa
If you've been sitting on the fence as to whether or not to join the BBQ Brethren as a subscribing member, this is your golden opportunity! Phil, our Grand Poobah and the owner of this amazing site, just added two (2) brand new THERMAPENS to the prize list for the Sisters In Smoke 2016 Christmas Giveaway. You can read about it on page 13 of the other thread. If you haven't entered, what are you waiting for??? :shock:

This is hands down, bar none, THE BEST BBQ SITE ON THE INTERNET. This is where everyone comes to find out about Q. How to choose a smoker, which ones are best for your purposes, how to build one, what to put in it, and recipes to help you turn out some of the best Q on the planet!! We've got all kinds of forums to give you all kinds of help, education, advice, entertainment, comaraderie, and to sharpen your cooking skills at every level.

If you spend any amount of time here, and you enjoy yourself when you do, please think about giving something back by purchasing a subscription to help support the site. Phil's costs to run this place just DOUBLED back in August this year. It ain't cheap folks, so we're flying on a wing and a prayer here. Please consider buying a subscription for $25 or more by going to the top of the page and clicking on "Purchase Subscription". You might also think about visiting the "Merchandise" section at the top of the page where you can purchase all kinds of things in the store that bear the Brethren logo. Every little bit helps!

Show that you're helping to keep the Spirit of the Brethren alive! Pick up your new subscription or renew your existing one and enter the Giveaway. Go on over to the Sisters In Smoke 2016 Christmas Giveaway thread to post your entry and get a look at the prizes. By 12:30 tonight, somebody is going to walk away with some really nice BBQ gear! Three (3) somebodies, in fact! Why shouldn't it be YOU??? Enter now because THIS PLACE ROCKS!!! :whoo: :clap2: :rockon:
I'm sweetening the pot as well. Check the other thread. Subscribe NOW if you haven't.
I'm sweetening the pot as well. Check the other thread. Subscribe NOW if you haven't.

Thanks for getting into the spirit of the moment, Andy! This is kind of last minute, but I need to send you a PM to figure logistics. This prize pending! Stay tuned! :wink:
See "Sisters In Smoke Christmas Giveaway 2016" thread for the full list of prizes.