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Knows what a fatty is.
May 15, 2013
Hello all,

Ive read all the reviews and watched all the videos I can. I can't make a decision on which model to purchase. My list is

Rec Tec Bull

Yoder 680

Blazn Gridiron

Smoking Brothers 36 premium

My main focus on the purchase will prob be to grill but I do want the option for low and slow when I decide to smoke. Having both options in the same unit is a big plus for me. I did put my hands on a yoder today and that thing is built like a tank! The bull is pretty beefy as well. I have not touched the blazn or smoke brothers. I did hear that the yoder would give you the best smoke taste for the pellet option. I also considered the assassin pellet as well.

Any info or tips or items to think about would be appreciated. I can't read another review lol!

Thanks so much.
You have put together a nice list of contenders. Out of those four, if grilling is your priority… no if‘s and‘s or buts, my vote goes to the Yoder! The Yoder will run circles around the other three in the area of grilling :)
IMO the Yoder is the best smoker and grill in that lineup. Yoder made quite a few needed improvements with their “s” series lineup. The only real “issue” with Yoder now is the paint. Let’s be real though for a second... even if that tank of a grill begins to rust all it will need is a little TLC then good as new. Even if you just say screw it and let it rust that 10 gauge steel body will still last and last
IMO the Yoder is the best smoker and grill in that lineup. Yoder made quite a few needed improvements with their “s” series lineup. The only real “issue” with Yoder now is the paint. Let’s be real though for a second... even if that tank of a grill begins to rust all it will need is a little TLC then good as new. Even if you just say screw it and let it rust that 10 gauge steel body will still last and last

Do you know what all the upgrades are for the “s” series?
You have put together a nice list of contenders. Out of those four, if grilling is your priority… no if‘s and‘s or buts, my vote goes to the Yoder! The Yoder will run circles around the other three in the area of grilling :)

But will smoke great as well correct?
Do you know what all the upgrades are for the “s” series?

Better igniter, WiFi, and meat probes that connect to the actual controller so you don’t need a third party device. I was most interested in the improved igniter personally
But will smoke great as well correct?

Pellet smoke is an interesting conversation. Many love it... however some do not. What are you currently smoking on, and what are your expectations/needs when it comes to the smoke profile you want to impart? Do you prefer light/clean smoke? Or are you one that prefers heavy smoke? Like most pellet grills, the Yoder is very capable of producing a very gentle/light/clean smoke profile.
I'm a yoder guy. Run from Blazn' . They just fooked all the brick and mortar's that sold their grills and do direct only now. A lot of stores relied on them as a sole manufacturer for the grill they sell.
Pellet smoke is an interesting conversation. Many love it... however some do not. What are you currently smoking on, and what are your expectations/needs when it comes to the smoke profile you want to impart? Do you prefer light/clean smoke? Or are you one that prefers heavy smoke? Like most pellet grills, the Yoder is very capable of producing a very gentle/light/clean smoke profile.

I did have a Humphreys pint charcoal smoker. I feel it produced a pretty good smoke flavor. I guess perhaps i may not know the difference between a heavy and light smoke. I was just wanting a all around cooker that can produce some dang good bbq and cook a nice steak as well. Wanted something that I can get fired up quickly, and most importantly something that will last for years and years. I called yoder company today and they said the temps on their smoker range from 150-600, he also said the 680 could reach 700. That would be nice if true. Does anyone know how long it takes for the 680 to warm up to temp?
I will chime in for the Yoder. I bought one earlier in the year and hands down its one of the years best purchases. American made. Built like a tank. Works just like its advertised to do. Make sure you get the two piece heat diffuser if you plant to grill with it. Taking the plate that covers the fire box off gives you a nice open fire to grill over with no additional work. I use mine primarily as a smoker and my BGE for my grillin. But, the Yoder will certainly get it done especially with the two piece diffuser
I love my Yoder. It’s awesome at everything. Smoke a steak at 225 for about an hour, take said steak off, remove the two piece diffuser lid, add grill grates and wait about 15 minutes, the temp on the grate will be over 650 degrees. Sear steak for about 2 minutes a side, rest then a perfect medium rare bite. Yes. I like my Yoder. USA made sold me.
I Had a Yoder for a year...from what you want to do, and the ones you are looking at, go with Yoder all day

Memphis Elite

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