• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

Not your daddy's Cowboy lump!


Oct 5, 2008
Name or Nickame
Gore (surprise!)
I've made fun of Cowboy lump in the past. I've had my share of rocks, insulation, dead animals, and even a live (black) frog hopped out of a bag of Cowboy lump I opened a year ago. I saw him hopping around the patio for a few days until it rained and I couldn't track him anymore. I'm very familiar with the fireworks that often occur when I light the fire. I gave up on Cowboy over a year ago after a particularly awful bag. I took to using Royal Oak as I was commuting closer to some Walmarts and it was much better. Over the past year, I noticed the RO becoming more and more like Cowboy. The bags had more dust and I even found some rocks. I'd also read here a few people commenting on Cowboy lump improving(!) The last month I've been unable to locate any RO, or even any lump. I made a trip to Ace hardware last week and picked up a 20 pound bag of Cowboy (I was ecstatic they had anything, actually). Today, I cleaned out the Oval -- I had last tried a couple bags of "True 'Cue" I found at Home Depot that were the worst bags of lump I'd ever had. They were hard to light, and filled with dust and pebble-sized lump. I couldn't even get it all to burn out when I left the vents open! Worst of all was the smell! I filled up the Oval with the new bag of Cowboy:


Fark! look at that! Hardly any dust, and no small pieces! I've never seen anything like it from Cowboy. What is most remarkable is there is nothing in there that remotely resembles a 2x4 or trim. It all appears to be real, unprocessed wood. Heck, this is one of the best looking bags of lump I've ever had :shock:. Here's a closer shot:


You can see some of the pieces aren't wholey carbonized. I lit it up: no sparks, no fireworks, and NO FUNKY ODORS. :shock: Here it is after a full 10 minutes:


Yeah, 10 minutes, and I had the diffusers in place. I just removed the one to take the picture. The temperature was already above 200* after only 10 minutes and it was burning cleanly, no funky smells. I don't know if this was random chance, but if this really is the "new" Cowboy, I'm loving it. I will miss the free rocks and frogs though.
Interesting. Is there any marking on the bag that we could use to make sure we're getting the 'new' stuff?
Interesting. Is there any marking on the bag that we could use to make sure we're getting the 'new' stuff?

I don't remember exactly what the old bags looked like, but it looks the same as I remember EXCEPT this is a 20lb bag that I picked up at Ace, rather than the smaller bags at Home Depot. On the front it does have the words, "Now, longer lasting," but I couldn't tell you if they were there before. Granted, I haven't actually cooked with this yet, but I've never had lump look so good and get up to temp so fast. I'm only doing some country ribs, so that's really not any test on how long it lasts. With my luck, it will all burn out in 15 minutes. :laugh:
Well, Gore, sometimes things do improve for the better. Hopefully this continues. :clap:

My guess is someone in management re-allocated the budgets by diverting the funds previously used for the rocks and frogs into better product.
Well, Gore, sometimes things do improve for the better. Hopefully this continues. :clap:

My guess is someone in management re-allocated the budgets by diverting the funds previously used for the rocks and frogs into better product.

The really sad thing is that I didn't learn what that frog was for until after they stopped giving them away. :cry:
I had been using Royal Oak because it was cheap. People on here commented saying that Cowboy used scrap wood, rocks, and other foreign debris in the bag. The last 2 bags of Royal Oak that I have bought at Restaurant Depot at the same time (currently 1/2 way through the second bag) had pieces that looked like scrap wood (trim and 2x2 and 2x4) along with some insulation pieces, and a lot more dust than in previous bags I have used.

My next purchase I am debating if I want to try Cowboy or go spendy and get Wicked Good Weekend Warrior.
I had been using Royal Oak because it was cheap. People on here commented saying that Cowboy used scrap wood, rocks, and other foreign debris in the bag. The last 2 bags of Royal Oak that I have bought at Restaurant Depot at the same time (currently 1/2 way through the second bag) had pieces that looked like scrap wood (trim and 2x2 and 2x4) along with some insulation pieces, and a lot more dust than in previous bags I have used.

My next purchase I am debating if I want to try Cowboy or go spendy and get Wicked Good Weekend Warrior.

I haven't been using lump that long. My last bag of RO had a sizable chunk of cement in it. Like, bigger than my fist. Which is a decent percentage of the total bag weight. Also tons of marble-sized pieces and dust. I just picked up three more bags of RO and if it seems to be the trend I think I'll try both Wicked Good and Cowboy, although I was bummed this morning I couldn't find Wicked Good on the Ace website any more. I hope it's just a seasonal lag because if the price is decent I'll ship-to-store a bunch of it.
I've swapped over to Wicked Good Weekend Warrior blend.

I love it. Really nice sized chunks

No great pics, but here is a load with dry hickory and apple chunks over for last weekend's rib cook.


Old lump, snuffed out last week. I just fired it up again for today's wangs & ABT's.

Congrats on the nice bag of cowboy! I've picked up 2 bags of cowboys since folks have reported it improving. Both bags were really bad, almost half the bag was dust. One of the bags I only got because I had a 50% off coupon for Ace hardware. Wicked good is my go-to lump now. It's pricey but worth it IMO.

Sent from my Nexus using Tapatalk 2
With Lowe's as my only source of Cowboy lump, does anyone think it would be the improved stuff that y'all are finding at Ace?
With Lowe's as my only source of Cowboy lump, does anyone think it would be the improved stuff that y'all are finding at Ace?

Chriscw81 above picked up cr@ppy stuff at Ace, so I have absolutely no idea. Still seems a bit of random chance. :noidea:
I might have to pick up a Cowboy to see for myself. I wasn't impressed with it before. However that was a few years back. If they have changed for the better, I'm all for it! Plus, it's readily available in my area.

Thanks for the review!!
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Just picked up a bag of cowboy at ACE today for a bbq before the -20 in the northwoods of Wisconsin tomorrow.... I have used Both RO and CB and often had crappy bags of coal... But today the CB was awsome big chunks and clean!!

Proabbly best bag i got in 2 years....

I started buring my own wood down to make some coal.. then you know its truely good wood..... so this is the first bag i have got in 6 - 7 months.....

28 out side with 25mph wind and smoking!!! What a great day!
I posted a similar experience last month. I had a 25% off coup at Ace and decided WTH. I was doing a hot and fast brisket so I did 50/50 Cowboy with briquettes and was really impressed. It was better than the RO I've had the last year. Now if I could just get my hands on more coupons...
I too used to rag on cowboy lump for it's low quality. I even adopted someone else's story of finding a cabinet hinge in the bag... for funzzies.
Last Aug I needed lump in a pinch and went to Lowes and bought the large bag of Cowboy. The stuff was excellent. Huge chucks.. I mean huge! Think old oil can size chunks that I put aside for long smokes. The rest was nice size and very little dust and crumbs. It's nice to see a company turn a product around. How 'bout them Cowboys!
Love this stuff

Been grilling all year with Cowboy from a local store here in Michigan. Probably used 10 bags or more. Never a hint of trouble. In fact, comparing it to royal oak earlier in the year the Cowboy stuff blew it away. Consistent excellent results.