I do love this website. Great info from a great bunch of people who love all things Q. I've learned much from you already and hope I will be able to share my own experiences to aid others in the quest of great Q.
I got my Bandera in March while visiting relatives in Arkansas. Went through a bit of an ordeal trying to get it up here to Michigan though. UPS refused to ship it because of the weight and it wouldn't fit in my car. Thought I was going to have to shell out the bucks to go LTL on a common carrier. Gal from WalMart in Conway, AR called and told me the store manager agreed to ship it Overnight Truck Lines free of charge! Can't ask for better service than that. Since its arrival, I've been smoking something every weekend. Yesterday did 8lbs. of beef jerky for the first time with so-so results, a 7lb. brisket that was excellent as were the 4lbs. of almonds and the dozen ABT's.
Love the method of low and slow the Bandera thrives on. Previous smoking experience was with a Weber Performer and Luhrs-Jensen electric smoker. The Weber Performer is a fantastic grill but limited to quantity smokes. I plan on relegating the Luhrs-Jensen to smoking the coho, steelhead, lakers, and Kings we catch out on Lake Michigan.
I got my Bandera in March while visiting relatives in Arkansas. Went through a bit of an ordeal trying to get it up here to Michigan though. UPS refused to ship it because of the weight and it wouldn't fit in my car. Thought I was going to have to shell out the bucks to go LTL on a common carrier. Gal from WalMart in Conway, AR called and told me the store manager agreed to ship it Overnight Truck Lines free of charge! Can't ask for better service than that. Since its arrival, I've been smoking something every weekend. Yesterday did 8lbs. of beef jerky for the first time with so-so results, a 7lb. brisket that was excellent as were the 4lbs. of almonds and the dozen ABT's.
Love the method of low and slow the Bandera thrives on. Previous smoking experience was with a Weber Performer and Luhrs-Jensen electric smoker. The Weber Performer is a fantastic grill but limited to quantity smokes. I plan on relegating the Luhrs-Jensen to smoking the coho, steelhead, lakers, and Kings we catch out on Lake Michigan.