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New Zealand Wagyu


Babbling Farker
Beef brisket. Business Costco find. First and only time i saw it. So had to buy it, smoke it, and eat it!

It was noticeably more tender with a beefier taste than the normal prime brisket available at Costco. I’d buy it again.

Onto the offset about 6AM, almond and oak wood blowing blue at 250 for first hour than stoked fire to run 275 to 300 for about 5 hours. Blanketed it in butcher paper and snuggled it into the Mak pellet grill on lowest temp setting, about 180 degrees, to finish.

Vented, rested, sliced and destroyed by teenage son! Glad I served rest of family first! Played with fiesta salad, pickles and pickled red onions.
If you see one, it’s worth the extra coin!
In general I have found Costco prime brisket to be lass flavorful than most commodity choice brisket but ymmv. I prefer the choice brisket from Smart &Final (First Street brand) over Costco. Except for this NZ Wagyu, that’s going in the cart if I see it again.
In general I have found Costco prime brisket to be lass flavorful than most commodity choice brisket but ymmv. I prefer the choice brisket from Smart &Final (First Street brand) over Costco. Except for this NZ Wagyu, that’s going in the cart if I see it again.

I always go for the Black Canyon Choice over Prime at Costco unless the Prime is CAB (certified angus beef).
Nice find, and nice cook. My costco only sells choice grade brisket flats. And more per pound then you payed for that wagyu brisket.
The price is certainly right. Very good value considering the journey. Otherwise I would not consider one countries Wagyu to be better than another's as long as the classification standards are the same.

That one turned out really good. Next time try a US Wagyu. Nothing there on finishing. Does not say grain fed / grass fed?

The price is certainly right. Very good value considering the journey. Otherwise I would not consider one countries Wagyu to be better than another's as long as the classification standards are the same.

That one turned out really good. Next time try a US Wagyu. Nothing there on finishing. Does not say grain fed / grass fed?

Thanks, If I could find an American Wagyu brisket for similar price i certainly would buy it! Correct, Nothing on the packaging label indicated how it was finished.
Thanks, If I could find an American Wagyu brisket for similar price i certainly would buy it! Correct, Nothing on the packaging label indicated how it was finished.


If you have a Costco Business nearby, they do sell American Wagyu. That's what I buy now strictly. It's very close in price also at $6.49/lb. Minimal waste compared to Costco Prime.

They are farking delicious too. Including the flat since it's fattier than a choice or prime.


Darn the luck, my local Business Costco does not carry them. But I’m gonna keep checking and ask about getting them stocked. Looks high quality! Thanks.
Darn the luck, my local Business Costco does not carry them. But I’m gonna keep checking and ask about getting them stocked. Looks high quality! Thanks.

That's crazy but now I guess I'm not too surprised since different Business locations carry different products. I suppose brisket is no different.

It really is great quality and the fat is way more tender/softer during trimming than regular briskets.
When I competed, I switched to Australian Wagyu.
My scores went up from the very first contest in Dothan, Al where we took first in Brisket.
Became an instant contender in the rest of the contests till we retired.
Darn fine Brisket.

Don't have the equipment to cook a packer now.:(

Yup, there is a lot of Aussie Wagyu Brisket out there now, and it's pretty good. Since the Aussie's realised what it was, that is. I haven't seen NZ Brisket here, nor would I try it. That's kinda like kissing your sister. Maybe worse.