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Big Money Grip

Is lookin for wood to cook with.
May 28, 2008
Oxford, MS
I finished my drum last week and burned it in Friday night. I was telling my wife that I wish there was some meat that I could put in it Saturday. She produced a chuck roast (Don't laugh) and I mixed up a few spices and let it sit 'til noon Saturday. I put it on and the drum ran at 225-240 all day when I took it off at 6:00. It wasn't too bad but a little smoky and a little chewy. I understand that this wasn't the best cut of meat but I was ready to cook something.
Sunday, we went to the store to get some country style ribs to cook and all they had was western style. These were purchased and home we went. I coated them with brown sugar and sprayed them with apple juice. I done this each hour for the first three hours and foiled them with more brown sugar, apple juice and some butter. After 2 hours in the foil, I was going to unwrap them and put them back in. I couldn't pick them up with a fork because they were falling apart. I quick sample confirmed they were ready. The beans and mashed potatoes were ready and we proceeded to grind it up.
I know, no pics so it didn't happen. I'll take some next time.
Congratulations on finishing the drum!

Chuck roasts are a great cut of meat to bbq. Sounds like you just pulled it a little early and put too many wood chunks in the basket.

Although you didn't say you had a problem with it, you might want to consider holding off in the future on any rub with sugar in it until the end of a cook since sugar burns so easily.
you'll love the drum if you don't already!! Congrats.. Can't beat building your own cooker..
My first BB on a drum cooked faster than I expected and you will find they will cook really fast if you keep peeking. Sure do love BB on the drum!!:thumb:
I found a rub I like and then leave the BB alone until about 1/2 hour before I take them off. For the last 1/2 hr I glaze as per individual requests. Some times my ribs don't get glazed and sometimes I mix some Glen Breton single malt whiskey and honey for a glaze.
You have some good eating ahead!