• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


Knows what WELOCME spells.
Mar 29, 2020
Name or Nickame
With my first smoke in the books (wings & moink balls), today 4/1/2020 I attempted my first Pork Butt.

- Bone-in Pork Butt (aprx 6lbs)
- Used 4 chunks of applewood
- Plowboy Yardbird Rub
- Mixture of apple juice & water in water pan
- Smoked fat side up (is that what y'all suggest?)
- Smoked at around 250 for around 9 hours

I didn't wrap it until it was done, then let it sit for about 30-45 minutes to keep in the moisture, probably could've let it cool for a little longer but was to eager to try it out! It turned out SOOO good. I consider it a success for being new haha.

Appreciate all of the kind words on my first post, glad to be a new member of such a cool forum!


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Pssst. This is a perfect post for QTalk, where you'll find more folks just waiting for cooks like this.

Glad you joined the family. Keep the Pr0n flowing.
Thank you ShadowDriver

Pssst. This is a perfect post for QTalk, where you'll find more folks just waiting for cooks like this.

Glad you joined the family. Keep the Pr0n flowing.

Ya for sure, this is a great forum and everyone has been extremely helpful.
Nice job Jake! You made my favorite and it sounds like you nailed it! Welcome to the Brethren! You are down the street from me [Lebanon] so I will have to try and meet up with you one of these days.
Thanks JermoQ

Nice job Jake! You made my favorite and it sounds like you nailed it! Welcome to the Brethren! You are down the street from me [Lebanon] so I will have to try and meet up with you one of these days.

Thank you JermoQ, turned out pretty well especially for my first one!
Jake, Welcome to the Brethren!!
I would say you Nailed It!!
It is always good when the first cook comes out great. There are a lot of Great People here and you will learn a bunch to help you. So, Keep the Smoke Rolling!!
Looks awesome! Love my WSM. One mod that I've done, which makes a world of difference is getting the Cajun Bandit door. Has been great. That's been the only thing I've done.