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New Fire Grate Mod


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Apr 8, 2004
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I built a new firegrate. 3/8" rebar spaced 1/4" apart.
Fills the whole firebox on my StudeDera.
I did a test burn- expected good results.

Simply unbelievable difference!

I wrote the creation and test burn up in detail.
Look in Files-Bandera Mods-"StudeDera Fire Grate Mod".
Big Word file- 372K or so with the pics.

Solves a lot of problems for me.

Untill I pick up my Bandera this coming Sunday it shall remain the gimpy-out-of-the-box-dera. One good thing about having a brand new dera is that I can implement all mod completely grease free. Instead of having to put it together and take it apart again I can knock it out in one broad sweep!

One thing I noticed about your mod is it looks very easy to do.
Excellent Document, Tim! I think I'm going to have the oldest step son attempt to make one for my 'dera.
Solidkick said:
Excellent Document, Tim! I think I'm going to have the oldest step son attempt to make one for my 'dera.
Bro Kick,
Thanks (to you and all) for the good words on the write-up.
Looking back, if I were doing it again, I would probably use 1/2" rebar with 1/4" spacing. No more than 3/8" spacing. Still be plenty of airflow sq inches. A lot less tedious.

I would love to see a test burn by one the charcoal burner Brothers using the Minion Method. I bet that would be a killer burn.

I think (actually I know) you will like it! I do :D
I prefer oil to grease. Extra Virgin Olive Oil, aka EVOO <Rachel Rey Mod>. Les viscous, and seems to do better with a good rub.
Back on topic. I just purchased rebar from Menard's and they it cut to length for me: 33 pcs. @ 14 3/4" and 4 pcs. @ 19 1/2" all for under $6.00 ! Thanks for sharing your mod.
Also on topic--Hope the firegrate works for you as well as it did for me.
Did you confirm the measurements?
I have no faith in consistancy from CharBroil nor accuracy of my memory and notes :D
Let us know how it works out!
Tim, very nice mod and doc. Another Brethren innovation. I'll have to find a way to get one in my Brinkmann.
John, rebar is pretty much the same -- just the size varies to protect the innocent! :D I believe Tim said he'd go with 1/2 inch space 1/4. So round up those stray 1/2 rebar pieces.
john said:

Is there different types of rebar, anything type I could not use? That is probably a really dumb question, but Unc-in-law's shop has a TON of rebar lying around. Maybe I could finish up my welding lesson and make fire grate. That thing seems like it would outlast the bandera!
There is at least 2 tensile strenghts of rebar. But that would make no difference to us. As David said--I would, confirm the measurements, use 1/2" Rebar, and just "weld on".

With your firebrick, it should mount just fine. Check your measurements!
You could also weld 4 (or 6 or 8 ) little rebar legs on it and sit it on the bottom.

I have had a couple of Brothers ask for a test burn with 100% charcoal. So, I will load it up with 10# and fire her up. Never used 100% before, but I can at least record the time and temps and let the digital camera rip.

May take a few days. We seem to have Hurricane Bonny headed this way--Raning already and 80% plus for next few days.
I would probably use 1/2" rebar with 1/4" spacing. No more than 3/8" spacing.

I like the grate a lot but was a little surprised with only .25" spacing, even .375". I was thinking something more like .5" especially for the wood users. I'm sure you still get the desired airflow but I figured the ashes will fall more freely using .5". Think I'll have someone make one cuz my expanded metal grate is just about shot.
I have had a couple of Brothers ask for a test burn with 100% charcoal. So, I will load it up with 10# and fire her up. Never used 100% before, but I can at least record the time and temps and let the digital camera rip.

Tim, don't know what you had in mind for this charcoal test, but I might suggest you review Jim Balls modified Minion method for offset cookers. As I haven't gotten around to trying this in the vertical yet I would be very interested in the results. I have been using essentially the same approach in the horz, so if you have any questions about it shoot me a PM and I'll walk you through what I've been doing.
I might suggest you review Jim Balls modified Minion method
That was my plan. Seems pretty simple, even for a dummy like me :lol:
Let ya know what happens.
Gotta get by this rain first.
Well...the sage continues.

Kcquer and I did seperate test burns using only Kingsford (for me) and Kingsford + chunks (for Scott)

Here is the results:

I used the Rebar Mod and Scott used his existing "weave" grate, but doubled the density to reduce "hole" size. Great idea.

The origonal concept of reducing the area for coals to fall through the grate really helps.

If you have any kind of smoker (except WSM and Green Egg type) and do not use a basket, consider some form of this modification.

Scott, thanks for the help!

My "Pit Bitch" job just got a whole lot easier :lol:


You got any spare pics or blueprints of your fire box mod? I cant get the file with pics to open only the word doc. Sure like to see that thing. It sounds like the only way to go. thanks
BillyH said:
You got any spare pics or blueprints of your fire box mod? I cant get the file with pics to open only the word doc. Sure like to see that thing. It sounds like the only way to go. thanks
I am assuming you must not have Micro$$$$ Word.
If not, Try this:
It is a link to Microsoft that has a free viewer for "Word" files.
If that does not work, I may try to post a RTF version. but it normally farks up the pictures or creates really huge files.
Let me know--I have a couple of more ideas if need be.
kapndsl you are "da man"....that download fixed all my problems. I can view all the files now...I owe ya big time...thanks a million..

reading your tests I see where you closed the intake 100% during the burn. I always thought this had to be open?
BillyH said:
kapndsl you are "da man"....that download fixed all my problems. I can view all the files now...I owe ya big time...thanks a million..

reading your tests I see where you closed the intake 100% during the burn. I always thought this had to be open?

During my former burns, full open to 50% temporarily with a new load of wood- think that is in the test report.
Now, normally full closed. Big bed of coals gets enough air for a clean burn from the leaks in the firebox.
I can even close the exhaust vent some now and still keep good smoke.
All of this is due the efficiency of good coals vs the flame heat of wood and poor coals.
DON"T delay using the Bandera for this. Just get the stock wire grate up off the floor and let her rip.
Do this type of Mod after you get a baffle in place and a couple of burns under your belt.