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Full Fledged Farker
Jul 6, 2016
Planning on cooking my first brisket this weekend. Have a big cookout in two weeks so i want to do a test run this weekend then do it again the following weekend for the cookout.

I bought some oakridge black ops rub. The plan is to do a hot cook so probably at ~275-300 degrees on the smoker to finish in a reasonable amount of time.

1. Should i dry brine the brisket? If i use the rub to brine, will it do anything if i use mustard first?

2. Which cut should i get? Or should i just get a full packer?

3. What is the best wood?

4. Should i be spraying it like i do a butt?

5. Butcher paper or foil when i wrap? I have both and im leaning butcher based on franklins video. But any pros/cons?

6. How long should i let it rest?

Any other tips would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Search Blu Dog brisket for a pretty fail safe method.

My 2 cents

Rub and let it set about 45 minutes or so, no mustard needed.

Full Packer

Hickory, Oak, Pecan

I don't spritz

I use foil, never tried paper

I rest for about 3 hours.

Cook fat slide down

Cut across the grain, the point and flat run in different directions
I bought butcher paper for the first time about a month ago and much much much prefer it to foil....I generally don't wrap ribs or pork shoulder but I tried wrapping both in butcher paper and thought the results were much better than foil....better bark and better texture, you get the moisture retention and tenderizing effect without the meat tasting use butcher paper for the brisket....blu dawgs kiss brisket is on point, easy directions to follow and the results are repeatable and delicious. I'd go full packer. Oak, hickory and beech are my favorite woods for beef.
Don't pull it too soon. You'll be tempted. Cook until probe tender "like butta" in the thickest part of the flat.
If you wrap after you pull it, let it rest for a bit first to let the temps drop some. Otherwise it will keep cooking.
DON'T get too fancy on this first brisket. Limit the variables so you can get a baseline.
Enjoy it and don't stress (too much, anyway!).
Don't pull it too soon. You'll be tempted. Cook until probe tender "like butta" in the thickest part of the flat.
If you wrap after you pull it, let it rest for a bit first to let the temps drop some. Otherwise it will keep cooking.
DON'T get too fancy on this first brisket. Limit the variables so you can get a baseline.
Enjoy it and don't stress (too much, anyway!).

When you say too soon are you saying if the temp shows 203 or 205 but it's still not prove tender to leave it on?

Also once I pull it off the smoker how long do you let it sit before wrapping again?

Thanks for the tips.
Don't go by temperature of the meat...go by probe tender. You will be tempted if temps are 200+ but don't do it until probe tender.

Go with full packer. I cooked mine 275-300 and for 11 hours and it still wasn't probe tender. It was 16 lbs. So just keep that in mind to factor in your time of cook. And that 11hours wasn't including the rest period.
When you say too soon are you saying if the temp shows 203 or 205 but it's still not prove tender to leave it on?

Also once I pull it off the smoker how long do you let it sit before wrapping again?

Thanks for the tips.

Just trust the probe tender test: don't worry about what-ifs at this point.

I think the internal temp needs to come down to 175 before wrapping, but someone else may be able to verify. Generally, give it 30 minutes.

Go for it, and make sure to post up details of your cook with PICS!
I've only cooked one myself so far and I used Bludawg method. Worked great, my wife who never has liked brisket keeps begging me to cook another one soon, I suggest Bludawg method. Just search for it on here and u will find a few posts talking about it.