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Babbling Farker
Aug 9, 2016
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Just got back to STL after a weekend trip to Nashville for my 12yr old to play in a baseball tournament.

Lost 2 straight yesterday by a total score of 27-0 for the 2 games. Rained out of our 2 games for today. So rather than make the trip a complete waste...

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Conecuh is not available in the Lou. But it is in Nashville. Quick stop at Publix netted 2 original, 2 hickory, and 1 hot. Into the cooler for the ride home.

So now. How do you Farkers cook them? Grill or smoke??
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Never had Conecuh, but sausage is good no matter how you cook it. I do both, depending on my mood, and what I am using it for.
I know the feeling, brother! I have been to almost 400 baseball games in the last 10 years for our boys. I think I was at a tournament like your Nashville trip about 3 times. I know the feeling. It's what created the Sunday Funday, right? ;)

I would put half on the PBC and the other half on the pellet! You won't be disappointed either way.