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My weekend cook


somebody shut me the fark up.

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Aug 13, 2003
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First of all, I had one of the nicest weekends of my life.The rain stopped for 2 days, with beautiful temperatures. My parents were in for a visit on Saturday and the OL's parents and one of her brothers were in from Florida for the whole weekend.

The OL's youngest graduated from high school yesterday so we had a family get together for her the day before.

We were planning on 15 people (small and nice), but for some reason when I went to the grocery store the day before, I went nuts and loaded the hell out of the cooker.

The original thought was some chicken parts and maybe a few brats. I ended up buying about 25 drumsticks and 25 thighs to brine. While I was at it I thought maybe some wings that I could do for people to eat early so I grabbed some of them. I got home and thought, hell I might as well thaw out some baby backs and show them off to the family so out of the freezer come 3 slabs of those. Then the OL came home from the store with 20 Johnsonville cheddar brats. OK, now I know for a fact I will be freezering plenty of left overs to get me by for a while. Oops, my parents are on a very strict diet. They can have chicken but won't eat it with the skin. I bought about 12 breasts for grilling. Oh yeah, I pulled out of the freezer 2 2 pound fatties, and a 2 pound hamburger fatty to try.

Fired up "smokey" at about 7 in the morning. Was ready to start cooking at about quarter til 8. That gave a little more than 5 hours for the ribs. They went on right off the bat. Foiled at 3 hours for another 2 hours and they were perfect. Put the chicken parts and wings in at 9:30 along with the brats. The wings and brats went in the far vertical section. I wanted to get some smoke to them without cooking them first. After awhile, I moved the wings to a hot spot right over the firebox and cooked em up to a nice golden brown, then into a crockpot with some dreamland. I never ended up trying them, but They pretty much dissappeared.

Fatties all went on about 8:30 and took 3 hours. Burger fatty was sliced and went into the fridge. Haven't even tried them yet. Sausage fatties got passed around and dissappeared.

Once the wings were gone from the hotspot, I moved the brats over to it. If no one has done this I highly recomend it. They were the best brats I or anyone at the party had ever had. They had a pin hole of brown in the middle, with the rest all smoke ring.

Brats came off and the chicken breasts that were sliced into fingers and seasoned with some southern flavor went on. About this time all the chicken parts came off and the ribs were ready too. Rang the dinner bell, and the feeding began. Everybody out on the porch groaning in about 20 minutes.

Packed up a good bit of the left overs and shipped em off to the OL's place. Next morning, I go over there about 8 in the morning and there is her brother eating ribs. Her dad comes out and says to him, what are you doing eating ribs for breakfast? grumph, grunt, garble was his response.

Sorry for the long ass post, just had a great time and wanted to share.
Almost forgot. I had a bottle of kc masterpiece and a bottle of sweet baby ray's setting out. Not a single drop of it was used. Best compliment I could have gotten.
Awesome cook & feed Brother Greg. There is something about sharing the bounty of the cooker with family and friends. When stuff comes out good and disappearing food and smiles are the only complements you need. Sounds like you had a great weekend in deed.
Hope you find out as I have 4 racks of St Louis to do this weekend.
I suppose its possible that the acidity in the vinegar cooked (mellowed) the spices over time. I always use straight vinegar as a rub wetting agent but never rub stuff ahead of time. If using John's method I would go for a final fresh dusting of rub just before cooking.
I never, ever, apply oil, vinegar, water, etc.

I keep it simple. Either the night before, which is rare cuz I am POOPIE faced and forget, or usually the morning of, open the cryos, wash out the POOPIE, then rub with either: Fat Pat's, So Flav Charbroil(go easy), Blues Hog, Arizona Pepper, Chili powder, or Cinnamon (use lightly).

Thats it. Then I spray with Cherry Juice (juicebox) and some soda, or just the juice. When wrapping, spray the POOPIE outta the rack as you wrap.

I just don't care for the smell or taste of vinegar (heavy taste that is. Anything more than Dreamland amount of vinegar is too much)

My farking brother in law ruined this stock pot when he made his "Smells Like Ass, Tastes Like Heaven" marinade and mop for the Thanksgiving drunkfest brisket last year. Never get the smell of boiled vinegar, a 6pack of Lone Star, and a crapload of other stuff outta that pot.
kcquer - can you explain more on your process?
I put vinegar,any kind, in a wally world 50c spray bottle, dampen the what ever, then sprinkle on the rub, I repeat this a couple three times, this gets a nice layer spices that will crust up and help retain moisture.

why in the fark would I use vinegar to begin with
Honestly, I use vinegar because my mom always rubbed briskets, flank steaks, any tougher roasting cuts with vinegar. Its not uncommon according to what I read, but I only do it cause mom did. If you try something else, let me know how it turns out.

You never put a rub on the night before
Never overnight, if a rub contains much salt. Salt curing, which is what you would be doing for 12-18 hrs, draws moisture out of meat. My rub contains a good bit of salt so I don't put it on til I'm ready to cook.
I read some where that yellow mustard was a good pre-rub, makes the dry rub stick. I tried that on some spares this weekend and it work good. I put a thin coat of mustard on then the dry rub, let it sit maybe 20 min then into the cooker. Formed a nice crust. Didn't taste any mustard flavor.
OK, Mr. Kick Speak.........

I use yellow mustard as my bonding agent for rubs. coat your meat, rub it up, wrap in plastic wrap and refridgerate. You never know the yellow mustard was there. Saw that trick at a KCBS cookoff before I started posting on this board.

Depending on your salt content in your rub would probably dictate how long you would hold before cooking wouldn't you think?

DF......we need your .02 worth here.........
Hmmm, never considered the salt in the rub drying out the meat. I've always rubbed beef & pork the night before and let it sit in a ziplock in the fridge. And I haven't used mustard or a spray to get it to stick. I'll have to try that...
Mustard trick works. Use the cheapest $hit you can buy apply with a brush, and rub your meat so to speak. :wink:
So about how long should a rub sit on meat before it goes into the cooker? Mine is about 1/5 salt.
never considered the salt in the rub drying out the meat.
Me either, until I noticed that some of the exiting moisture was rinsing some of the rub off of the ribs I did overnight once. I hardly think you could hurt a butt or brisket this way, ribs are another story, not working with much on these to start with.
Also I like my ribs to come out a bit like a Memphis "dry" rib, so lotsa rub for me.
Have read plenty on the mustard thing, and I do believe you guys when you say you can't taste it, I just haven't been able to bring myself to try it yet.
jt said:
So about how long should a rub sit on meat before it goes into the cooker? Mine is about 1/5 salt.

I would think yours would hold 16-20 hours fine. If you use some brown sugar in your rub, probably a little longer. I usually just shoot for overnight, meaning rubbed up by around 9PM and setting out warming up to go in the cooker at around 5-6AM. I try to let my butts set out a couple of hours, my ribs maybe an hour. Internal temps will raise a lot faster than just pulling from the fridge and sticking in the smoker.
brdbbq said:
Mustard trick works. Use the cheapest $hit you can buy apply with a brush, and rub your meat so to speak. :wink:

Ditto on the mustard trick.....it's a Paul Kirk recommendation too.
Why use mustard again?

I have never had a problem with rub sticking to the meat, or is it a moisturiser?

Brian, caked on that Grub Rub to the pork roast this weekend. In about 30 minutes in the fridge, it turned into a glaze. Awesome.
willkat98 said:
Why use mustard again?

I have never had a problem with rub sticking to the meat, or is it a moisturiser?

Brian, caked on that Grub Rub to the pork roast this weekend. In about 30 minutes in the fridge, it turned into a glaze. Awesome.

Beats the Fark out of me what mustard does, second time on the BBR then just put Head Country seasoning on top of mustard with a little thick honey, no looking back or questions because they are the best ever. :D