My name is Jack, the GS being from a alias Garage Smoker that I have used over the years on internet cigar boards. Now that I have moved back to Florida from Texas I guess it should be changed to Lania Smoker since I am no longer restricted tot he garage with my cigar smoking.
I am 55 and in the process of leaving (retiring) the work force. I am awaiting word from my boss if I will be getting "downsized" or if I will have to just notify the compant that I am officially retiring. "Downsizing" has some monetary benefits associated with it so I am hoping for that. In the meantime I am burng my yearly personal days having just returned from a 2 month disability leave following a heart attack. All that fast living took it's toll I guess.
I have grilled all my adult life and have had both charcoal grills and gas grills. I have also had 2 bullit smokers, 1 charcoal and 1 gas. I do a lot of indirect heat cooking on my gas grill and have wanted a Bandara since the first time I saw one in the local HD back in Texas. As I said in my post over on the Q board, mine is on it's way. Can't wait.
Yesterday was our 16th anniversary. A veteran of the "D" wars we have four children from our previous marriages and 2 grandchildren with a 3rd on the way. We just got done with the construction of our retirement home here in Dade City Florida. We cleared the 5 acres ourselves and really enjoy being out here almost alone having suffered the home owners association blues in today's normal suburban developments. I don't need no stinkin grief about my grilling smoke, my loud noise while watching football games (BUCS, Seminoles), or do I want to here the RAP music of the neighbors teens. So this setup fits us just fine.
I have my grill (and soon the Bandara) in a 4' by 25' rock filled section of my pool enclosure so I can Q to my hearts content after dark without fear of the bizillion skeeters out here in the country. Plus the mess can be hosed right through the rocks into the ground.
Cigars are a hobby of mine and I have a rather large collection which did not make my heart doctor pleased at all. My wife is going to see to it that the collection doesn't grow, and doesn't SHRINK real fast either. She is going to watch the fat on the Q as well. I now call her the warden.
Well, that's my story. Looking forward to gaining a lot of knowledge and sharing experiences with you. Thanks for the welcome.
I am 55 and in the process of leaving (retiring) the work force. I am awaiting word from my boss if I will be getting "downsized" or if I will have to just notify the compant that I am officially retiring. "Downsizing" has some monetary benefits associated with it so I am hoping for that. In the meantime I am burng my yearly personal days having just returned from a 2 month disability leave following a heart attack. All that fast living took it's toll I guess.
I have grilled all my adult life and have had both charcoal grills and gas grills. I have also had 2 bullit smokers, 1 charcoal and 1 gas. I do a lot of indirect heat cooking on my gas grill and have wanted a Bandara since the first time I saw one in the local HD back in Texas. As I said in my post over on the Q board, mine is on it's way. Can't wait.
Yesterday was our 16th anniversary. A veteran of the "D" wars we have four children from our previous marriages and 2 grandchildren with a 3rd on the way. We just got done with the construction of our retirement home here in Dade City Florida. We cleared the 5 acres ourselves and really enjoy being out here almost alone having suffered the home owners association blues in today's normal suburban developments. I don't need no stinkin grief about my grilling smoke, my loud noise while watching football games (BUCS, Seminoles), or do I want to here the RAP music of the neighbors teens. So this setup fits us just fine.
I have my grill (and soon the Bandara) in a 4' by 25' rock filled section of my pool enclosure so I can Q to my hearts content after dark without fear of the bizillion skeeters out here in the country. Plus the mess can be hosed right through the rocks into the ground.
Cigars are a hobby of mine and I have a rather large collection which did not make my heart doctor pleased at all. My wife is going to see to it that the collection doesn't grow, and doesn't SHRINK real fast either. She is going to watch the fat on the Q as well. I now call her the warden.
Well, that's my story. Looking forward to gaining a lot of knowledge and sharing experiences with you. Thanks for the welcome.