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My first "quick" brisket


somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
May 24, 2004
Name or Nickame
Did my first quick brisket yesterday for a tasting Scheduled for the afternoon. I put it in the Spicewine at 300 degrees at 7am. It was 160 degrees at about 10:45 am.


I foiled it with Worsey sauce and AJ and put it back in the smoker. It hit 195 at about 12:30pm. I stuck it in a cooler until the tasting at 3:30pm. It came out tender and juicy. These folks enjoyed it along with the ribs, chicken, bbq beans, green beans and Pineapple coleslaw.


I got the job and even a little taste for myself!

I did my first quick brisket yesterday. I couldn't tell the difference between it and the 14 hr briskets I've done. The only difference I noticed was the shallow bark and shallow smoke ring.
Couldn't tell much difference Might give it a shot in competition.
As usual, Bigmista, you've made me hungry!:twisted::mrgreen:
That looks awesome!:mrgreen:
Congrats on the gig...
I love quick brisket, that is the only way I ever cook it. It comes out just as good, and a lot less chance for bitter smoke flavor. Nice job of the beef!
Looks great and I am sure it tasted great too. I have done the quick brisket too and the only thing missing is the bark I like. Other than that, there was no difference in taste.