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My Bandera is still in the box...

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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
...no kidding!

Howdy from Texas. Been seering flesh for years and thought I'd give smokin' a try. That's right I'm a rookie... heck we might as well say I'm a virgin. Just bought the Bandera about an hour ago and yes it's still in the box in the back of my truck. Will get some wood and flesh on the way home. Any pointers before Saturday's run? I'm getting a pork butt from the meat man.

Hey - y'all got a great site... stumbled across it this morning. What's up with all these mods? Am I gonna need a welder??

Welcome aboard!

No welder needed -- unless ya wanna!! :D

Mods aren't required but they do make heat control a whole lot easier. Probably the fire grate/basket and the baffle are the most imporant -- the heat shield can be as simple as foil over a cooking grate just above your meat of choice.

Try to get it put together before the weekend and get it seasoned. Be ready for a LONG cooking session with a pork butt (not as long as brisket but still LONG). Get a remote thermometer (a lot of us use inexpensive Pyrex models from Bed, Bath & Beyond or WalMart) so you can monitor what's up with the meat without constantly opening the cooking chamber. Heed the warnings about the door thermometers -- you might want to get two Pyrex thermometers: one for the meat internal temp and one to put down the stack to check chamber temp.

Good luck.
-- you might want to get two Pyrex thermometers: one for the meat internal temp and one to put down the stack to check chamber temp.
I have one that gives both, all wrapped up in the same unit.

Texas Haze. You definatly want to cure before you cook. I'd say get it put together today, cure it tomorrow, and cook on Saturday.
I have one that gives both, all wrapped up in the same unit.

I use two because I can't afford a mulitiple probe unit :D

I can't afford the wireless models either -- hey, I still use my ECB because CincHouse hasn't had pity on me, yet. 8)

.Download Banderea 101 give it a read and go from there. What part of Texas ? I need help....Pork butt will be a good start.
I just uploaded an updated version of Bandera 101 with some new information and updates.

It is in the Bandera Mods section of or files section.
It's now out of the box and put together. Woo-Hoo!! :D I will cure it tonight and then fire her up for an inuagural run. Hopefully I can get the grate and baffle mods done today as well.

I hope this isn't too off topic but I need some pointers on the first run. Remeber I'm a virgin. My butt came bone in. Does it matter if it's deboned or not? It seems I can just remove it when I'm pullin'. Also, whats the water bath for? Does that need water in it when smoking? Or is it a grease collector? We are going to throw a chicken in there too. Any pointers?

A little more bio for y'all too:

I'm a 32 year old father of 3 very hungry boys. Married 10 years to my first wife. Pay the bills as an engineer. Graduated 6 years ago from a weber charcoal to a Ducane gas tied into my home NG line w/the rotisserie. Grew up in KY eating Q'd pork and mutton. Moved to Texas who like things beef. Still prefer pork. The kick of Texas tomato based sauce has gained my favor. My Q'ing is basically a hobby for havin folks over to help wash down the beer and flesh. The orders are already lining up for the Bandera. Looks like we'll smoke a bird for Turkeyday. Neighbors want to throw another butt in Sat... if you have a problem making friends buy a Bandera... were getting real popular on our street.

Mike "TexasHaze" Boese

McKinney, TX
Mckinney will hell we can piss on each others porch. Water pan is a heat sink I myself use sand that discussion is around here somewhere. If you want some kick ass pork butt go to Hirch's Meat Market here in Plano, North East corner of Parker and Custer. Check it out while there, you will go back. I would try a drunkin chicken first will not dry out.
Howdy brd1958! Are you a Plano boy? I guess we can piss on each others porch...

Installed baffle and cured Miss Bertha Friday night then lit her up for a Sat smoke.... life will never be the same :P pork fell off the bone... it was awesome. Thanks for the heads up guys.

texashaze said:
Howdy brd1958! Are you a Plano boy? I guess we can piss on each others porch...

Installed baffle and cured Miss Bertha Friday night then lit her up for a Sat smoke.... life will never be the same :P pork fell off the bone... it was awesome. Thanks for the heads up guys.


Transplant from Illniois. But been here 23 years.
Welcome Mike!

Grew up in KY?

Someone else also from KY who moved to TX. Might even work with Brian (brd1958).

We use to go round and round about Jack Daniels versus Evan Williams (or any Kentucky whiskey versus JD).

Haven't seen him much lately though.

Glad to hear your first Q came out okay. You got a couple of responses on your "tips for first Q" question, but don't be afraid to cross post that into the Q talk section as well. Some very knowledgable people in that forum, who sometimes stick to the just Q talk.

Well now you came out and we know your name, so the rules are you have to continue to post and tell us about your experiences.

Everyone, veterans and new to Q, can learn from your Q as much as you can learn from theirs.

One of my nice tidbits I shared: never empty a chimney of lump into the Bandit in bare feet. I was doing the farking polynesian 2 step all around the yard.

Forget JD and forget Evan Williams (even thought it is bourbon)... it's gotta be Maker's (on payday) or Jim Beam the rest...

...there is only one 2 step in Texas and it's not the polynesian kind..

thanks for the pointers guys... per your advice I'm moving this over to the big board..

Dear Texas Haze,

It is quite an honor to have another member (that makes at least 3 - my bro, who posted the big pulled pork sammich picture, me
and now you) that knows the wonderful taste of bbq mutton. And that Tennessee whiskey is crap.

Welcome ( a little late, but welcome none-the-less).

Bah I say on all you mutton lovers.

Old No 7 beats all that other crap.

Since you didn't list your preference, I'll make the assumption it's Martini and Rossi's Asti Spumante

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