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Capt ron

Knows what a fatty is.
May 21, 2006
Columbia, PA
Can anyone tell me what the detailed rules are? The rules they have in the team manual are very general but don't tell what you can and can't use. Example: What type of garnish is allowed, what type of equipment is allowed to be used to cook meats , sauces etc...
It's not explained like KCBS...
Thanks in advance for the help and every one have a great rest of the weekend!
there is no garnish allowed in the blind box presentation, the onsite presentation you can garnish the meat however u want before cutting/ pulling/slicing for the judge. wood,charcoal,pellets are the only fuel.:p
Garnish is only not allowed in the pork catagory blind box.
Garnish is allowed in all other blind boxes.

Easiest way to remember for MIM is Garnish on Thurs and Fri...No Garnish on Saturday...

Gas and electric can be used to start your fire but only wood and charcoal can be used to cook it. No electric warmers or gas holding warmers are allowed to be used in the preperation of your meat.

Sauce can be brought to the does not have to be prepared onsite.

I have all the rules broken down by individual contest for my teammembers on our facebook page!/topic.php?uid=337985995846&topic=15164

Hope to see ya at the Brethren Get-together I'm trying to organize :-D

Neil Gallagher
More detail for Capt Ron:

No garnish in the championship pork blind boxes. You can garnish & decorate the grill for presentation to the judges.

You can garnish the ancillary turn-in boxes.

The fuel restrictions only apply to the championship pork categories, too. You are free to cook with any device of choice for the other stuff. The safest interpretation is no gas or electric heat sources for the cooker while championship meat is on the cooker or to hold championship meats.