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Knows what a fatty is.
Apr 22, 2012
waupaca, WI
Had the day off yesterday so I fired up the UDS to make some food for lunches, dinners, and giveaways to friends for the week.

Couple of Racks of Baby Backs
I used the a method similar to 3-2-1 but with baby backs I like someting closer to 2-1-120150720_082036.jpg

I did some chicken thighs. These work great for lunch or to make
sandwiches out of them.20150720_125205.jpg

Just simple seasoning then some BBQ at the end. I like to do them on the lower rack of the UDS closer to the heat. Flipping them once to get some grill marks on the Skin. I start them skin up.

Then I did some Thick Cut Pork Chops for a friends. I made a glaze out of Apple Bourbon, honey, and little siracha. I typically only cook them to about 140-145. There is know pink in the middle but they come out so juice. I really like to get them with the bone in as well.20150720_171830.jpg

Got a picture of the finished plate. I do what my dad used to call Hobo Potatoes.... New reds in tin foil with some onions. I like to finish them with some butter and Onion soup mix. They are also a hit and make great breakfast potatoes.20150720_175157.jpg

I also made some ranch slaw. I add some slaw, ranch, red onion, cumin, corn, cheddar cheese, and cilantro. Sometimes some finely chopped jalapeno if I feeling frisky.

Thanks for looking.