• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.


Found some matches.
Hey all. First time posting here. Thought this was something you may all enjoy...or not...haha.
I was playing around and came up with these. I call them "Martian Eggs". Little egg-sized avocados stuffed with egg yolks, encased in sausage and wrapped in bacon. Smoked with apple at 240° on the Weber with a snake until the bacon was done...about 2 hours. Not quite the runny yolk I was hoping for but pretty good stuff anyhow. I will try freezing the yolks next time and see if that helps me get the gooey goodness.
2016-08-07 13.03.31.jpg
2016-08-07 18.03.12.jpg
2016-08-07 18.10.40.jpg
Well that's creative! Not sure what to think of it.... but creative. I'm feeling confused because I like all 4 ingredients, but not sure how they would jive in the mouth. I grew up eating tons of avocado, but never warmed/cooked, that's probably my main hangup. I'm surprised they were still green. How ripe were they?

I guess if I would try them, but only if somebody else tries them first.

To get the runny yolk, you could try cooking them even hotter, for a shorter amount of time.
Thanks for the compliments. Grocery Outlet had these bags of like 12 for $2.00. I just had to buy them. I had no idea what I was going to do with them until I decided they needed a yolk. I also did a couple with cream cheese in there. It was a touch bizarre having the warm avocado though. Needs a lemon or something acidic to cut through the richness a bit. I had some homemade pickles myself. If ya make 'em, let me see. Someone will get a good runny yolk before I will I'm sure.
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Way to come out swinging on your first post TMM... :clap:

Love the idea and would love to give it a taste. Welocme to the site from a fellow Spokanite!
First, niiiiiiiiiiice
Second, how did you stop the yolk from falling out? Did you press the seams of the avocados together?
Third, you *could* try adding some cheese to the yolk (and maybe freeze that)...
Last, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
I'm not sure why but this was the first thing that popped into my mind.

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AOfbnGkuGc"]Everybody Loves Hypnotoad - YouTube[/ame]