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Mandalay Bay KCBS Contest


is Blowin Smoke!
Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
It would be nice if the Brothers could be represented in Vegas the date is Oct. 29 & 30. What if somebody close didn't want to compete but was willing to furnish a smoker and and a team could fly in. Or they could team up together. Just wanted to plant seed and see what happens.
I went out last year to check it out. Had a good time. Have to check the schedule.
Already committed to cook offs in October and November - could probably afford to fly out but would wind up sleeping in the cookoff tent!

As everyone should already understand you need a lot more than just a cooker -- tents, tables, cooler, ice, drinks, seasonings, charcoal, wood, water, a place to sleep, entry fees, meat, garnish, food for a couple of days, etc. etc. etc.

My rough estimate for a local cook off is $400.

A national "fly in" team would be great but you better have someone local who at least knows where the grocery store is.
HornBri and I have been discussing competing at the Mandalay Bay event. Problem is i would not be able to get him off the tables to cook.

If any brothers are interested in joining us let me know.
Yep! Lot's of distractions!! :twisted:

Sure would be fun, though!
I would like too. The dates work for me. Mook and I could prolly drive in and bring most of the gear.

I think that event has a chili cook off as well, I may have to try that.
The Farkin Team Brethren are sweeping the Country!!!
Schedule look good from here too....

Wife just read this post... Shes got friends there...she stays with them. In her words...

We're IN !!!

So if the westcoast chapter will have me... I'm there too.

If we can get 6 or more.. MULTIPLE TEAMS!!!!

This is soo friggin cool!!! and im am psyched.....

In the immortal words of Jim Minion.... he sent me a PM after the grillkings event.....

"In your first competition.. you've were Bitten........ Your Soul is no longer your own. "

JIm.. your so right.. :)
Now that I'm working I might be able to get down there. My sister lives in vegas, and we've never visited, so it might be time for a trip.
I'll be there, i was planning to judge, but i would rather team up with some Brothers.
mook said:
HornBri and I have been discussing competing at the Mandalay Bay event. Problem is i would not be able to get him off the tables to cook.

If any brothers are interested in joining us let me know.

I'm definitely interested. Maybe we could put together a West Coast team!
I won't be there.

Halloween Mod.

Its still too important for my kids.

And don't let Phil fool you. He won't be there either. If there is one holiday he needs to spend at home, it is Halloween
Man, a chance to meet some of the Brethren, Q, and gambling...I wish I could go. I am already on a plane that weekend for Denver to watch my Longhorns stomp all of over CU....

We must insist on 1) a full report and 2) pictures! Hey, we need someone designated as the "roving reporter" who will post information at the end of the each day!

Instead if the quote from the great movie Field of Dreams, "Build it and they will come!" I propose a new slogan, "Smoke it, and they will come!" I'll leave any interpretations of that left you y'alls imaginations, I am sure some one will chime in with some thoughts!....

Hook 'em Horns!
sh*t, bills right.. I read this as Oct 2 & 3..in fact, just told John its the 2 & 3... and he has a wedding... If I would have read it right, i would have bills same response.

Ya see.... only reason I would have to be here is for the kids and sharon(halloween is her holiday)... So I just said "Sharon, vegas competition is day before halloween"
her response...."Halloween in Vegas?? sounds good to me!!"

So Im still in.

But that don't mean I can't fly home Saturday after the competition if they brothers dont mind cleanin up. :)

BBQchef33 said:
sh*t, bills right.. I read this as Oct 2 & 3..in fact, just told John its the 2 & 3... and he has a wedding... If I would have read it right, i would have bills same response.

Ya see.... only reason I would have to be here is for the kids and sharon(halloween is her holiday)... So I just said "Sharon, vegas competition is day before halloween"
her response...."Halloween in Vegas?? sounds good to me!!"

So Im still in.

But that don't mean I can't fly home Saturday after the competition if they brothers dont mind cleanin up. :)
No problem Phil i'll help clean up,it's only a 5hr. drive for me, i probably won't come home until Sunday anyway.
Too bad it is during the Holiday. Halloween is my Mother-In-Law's B-day, And it is still an important time for the kid. The Grand kid will only be about 3 months old, so he won't care. Wish I could go and at least see what the competition is all about. The gambling would not be bad either.
Allright so it looks like this is gonna happen.

Horn and I can bring most of the gear. Any and all of the brothers would be welcome to help out. Mista and Big Mofo can travel together (yes I did just volunteer you both. iceman, you can hop in the car with those two and still be back in LA in time for the OL inlaws BD celebration.

Phil no sweat fly home saturday night, we will clean up behind you.

Mr.smoker, it would be great to have someone who's judged before on teh team.

David, DF, Parrot, John, and all the rest of y'all, come on out. it will be a lot warmer in Vegas then in most of your hometowns.
David, DF, Parrot, John, and all the rest of y'all, come on out. it will be a lot warmer in Vegas then in most of your hometowns.

Thanks for the invite but can't make it this year!

Tim and I are competing Oct 1-2 and mid-November here in FL so $$$ and time are already obligated. Also, have a Labor Day cookoff/meeting/judging school going with FL BBQ Association. Busy, Busy, Busy!!

If, however, it works and we (THE BRETHREN) start getting a calendar together it would definatley be worth shooting for next year. Of course we, THE BRETHREN, may be looking at dates in KC or Memphis or Lynchburg, too!! :D

I could definately see us getting a "national" team together for the American Royal Open next year! :D
WOW I have been working so much i have had no time to vist the board. Mook told me I better check out the thread.
I am excited.
Mook - we need to see if we can still get in. I heard once they were cutting off entries as soon as it got full. What was the entry on this one? I am in Ireland another 3 weeks so I will look to you to help work at the details.
Horn and I can bring most of the gear. Any and all of the brothers would be welcome to help out. Mista and Big Mofo can travel together (yes I did just volunteer you both.)...

Well, seeing as 10/31 is my b-day then I should be able to make this happen. How many teams are we having there? One? Multiple?