• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

Mad Science Experiment - Smoke Rings

okay, Chris not to downplay your experiment at all, but the best responses were from
Almost feel out of my chair laughing.

I am curious about the smoke ring in a UDS. Some pics in the last week showed great smoke rings. I have had up and down success (if a smoke ring is success) on my BBChef. I have not had the time to do a brisket on my UDS yet. To bad you cannot add a UDS to your experiment.
okay, Chris not to downplay your experiment at all, but the best responses were from
Almost feel out of my chair laughing.

I am curious about the smoke ring in a UDS. Some pics in the last week showed great smoke rings. I have had up and down success (if a smoke ring is success) on my BBChef. I have not had the time to do a brisket on my UDS yet. To bad you cannot add a UDS to your experiment.
I liked those responses the best too. It's interesting you say you have trouble with smoke rings in your UDS. Dr. KY has the same problems I believe?
i don't have trouble. It is just I don't know what type of smoke ring I will get when I get the time to give a brisket a go. I have not been able to tell much about smoke rings on butts. The smoke ring shows up most on briskets.
I had to read the inital post twice and all I can say is wow man. The results are gonna be something else.
No to all of the 8 point except the internal temp of 140 aprox (number 5 I think).
Smokering can be formed in an oven or electric cooker with just
a charcoal briquet next to the heat element.

I am curious about the smoke ring in a UDS. Some pics in the last week showed great smoke rings.

Here is a smoke ring in a UDS. My only 1st place brisket...so far.


No brine. Taken straight from an iced cooler. Injected and rubbed. Put straight into the UDS running between 225 and 250. No spritzing, spraying or mopping. Injected again and wrapped in foil at 165. Taken out of the smoker and put in a cooler at 190-195.

That's what I came out with.
I find that I get a better smoke ring when I go from the fridge to the smoker without a layover on the counter.I applaud you in your quest for knowledge, and the fact that you're sharing it with us.
I started today on the brine. I used 1 cup salt to a gallon of water and chilled for several hours.

I picked up two twin-pack cryos at Sams Club, each weighing right around 15 pounds. I made sure the butts in the packages all looked about the same size to try and keep the pieces even.

I had to start brining tonight to be on schedule. Here is the first cryo of butts I cut into.

And here they are after being deboned and quartered.

I took the 4 pieces on the left and put in ziplocs with brine and sealed up. I wrapped up the the other 4 real good, and tossed all the meat back into the fridge. I'll use the other 4 pieces for the rubs and slathers tomorrow night.

I'll post more updates after I have them.
OK Chris... you're actually going to rub a butt with WOOD ASH? Hell, dude, you might as well eat it... it's all natural. You taking it from your firebox or the fireplace? :lol:
OK Chris... you're actually going to rub a butt with WOOD ASH? Hell, dude, you might as well eat it... it's all natural. You taking it from your firebox or the fireplace? :lol:
I was starting to wonder how I made it this long without catching flak over that!:lol: I was going to burn down a kettle of cherry chunks tonight and use that. That way I know it is just wood ash, and nothing else. I may try a piece just to see. Hell, I've tried worse in my younger days while drunk on a dare.:icon_blush: