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is one Smokin' Farker
Jul 10, 2007
Summerville, SC
This oldtimer is still not listed on the KCBS site, but according their own site the contest is on, June 25-26, and it's full. So are they going without sanctioning this year? Not that I needed another reason to skip this one.
This oldtimer is still not listed on the KCBS site, but according their own site the contest is on, June 25-26, and it's full. So are they going without sanctioning this year? Not that I needed another reason to skip this one.

I was considering this one myself for next year but I've heard some things that would lead me to believe that most of the winners are 'fixed'. Not knowing if this is accurate but when you look at past teams that show up there, there's only a few recognizable team names that compete in it. Anyone else want to give info as to why I should avoid this contest? Thanks!
I don't know about fixing, not sure that is possible, but it is a tough contest to get into unless you placed high enough the year before. If you don't show up in line for registration in the middle of the night and camp out for a bit, you won't find a space. It is also very cramped (spaces are small), and one a hot weekend next to a small lake making it rather muggy. Those are the big downsides. The upside is everyone knows of that contest, so competing and winning there is notable. Some teams only compete in that one contest, or that one and maybe a couple others each year. A lot of people looking for points skip it and go to a bunch of smaller contests.
I don't know about fixing, not sure that is possible, but it is a tough contest to get into unless you placed high enough the year before. If you don't show up in line for registration in the middle of the night and camp out for a bit, you won't find a space. It is also very cramped (spaces are small), and one a hot weekend next to a small lake making it rather muggy. Those are the big downsides. The upside is everyone knows of that contest, so competing and winning there is notable. Some teams only compete in that one contest, or that one and maybe a couple others each year. A lot of people looking for points skip it and go to a bunch of smaller contests.

That makes more sense as to why some people don't enter the contest. On their website they allow some of the previous participants to have first dibs on entering then after a certain date it's open to anyone. Registration takes place now on-line and you don't have to wait in line anymore which could be an upside:-D
It is the 2nd to 3rd largest KCBS contest in any given year and lot's of people turn out. We did it every year for 7 years until one time, I stood in line from 4AM on a cold and rainy Monday morning only to find out I didn't get in, thereby losing our choice spot. I detested their pretentious registration process and we now steer clear of it even though we've had early registration privileges the last 2 years. It's a fun contest but I've found I can have just as much fun visiting if need be. There's usually 2 or 3 other contests within a hour's drive that weekend.

The visitors number in the 10's of thousands so it's certainly a happening place to be. The prize money is pathetic, they use local non-certified judges, the police get heavy handed after midnight, the parking is horrible, electricity problems up the wazoo, and getting out of there is a pain after the contest is over. Even with all of that, it's still a fun contest if you are local because of the traffic. They clearly haven't missed us.
For the guys that cook Lenexa as their one contest a year, it's just a big party and they don't know any different. I'd rather drive 3 hours to Eldon than 15 minutes to Lenexa for all the reasons Paul listed.

Now back to my original question: Is Lenexa going without KCBS sanctioning this year?
This is from the 2010 Rules they posted on the site:

[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]As a sanctioned contest, The Great Lenexa Barbeque Battle, Kansas State Championship will follow the Kansas City Barbeque Society (KCBS) Rules and Regulations.
Lenexa BBQ

The Lenexa contest is listed on the KCBS site, and is sanctioned.

Every year, some of the bbq boards seem to start filling up with comments with accusations that the Lenexa results are rigged and that must be proven based upon who has won. Seems odd to me. If you look at the results, there is a good mix of teams who appear regularly on the competition circuit as well as not so well known names in the results. Ever think it's possible that some of these teams that cook only in the Lenexa contest and don't really compete on the circuit might actually be pretty good cooks, but they just don't have the time, money or inclination to cook a lot of contests?

We've participated in this contest as well as attended it as an event without competing, and it is a good contest and a fun event. It's been around longer than 90% of the contests out there, and is organized pretty well given the space constraints they have to work with there.

As for the police issue, I've heard the same stories that they tend to get heavey handed, although we've never seen any problem first hand. Since the event is put on by the city, their is a very visible presence from the City Police Department there. It is a big public event with numerous alcohol vendors, bands, etc, so you'd expect to see a bigger police presence than you would with a small bbq contest in a parking lot somewhere.