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Lazy Q Cooking


Full Fledged Farker
Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
I hope I don't suffer too much for this but I have been thinking about buying a Lazy Q cooker. A bout with the flu the last couple of weeks and Q craving got me thinking and I have been doing some research. I have narrowed down to a cookshack, Masterbuilt 7-in-one gas smoker and a Great Outdoors Smoky Mountain gas cooker. The attraction of a full night's sleep and of starting it in the morning and having Q ready when I get home from work is very attractive. I am not going to abandon the bandera just adding to it. Any thoughts on this idea or my short list of cookers.

Personally, I would rather buy a WSM and use charcoal than go to gas.

Aint nothing wrong with sleep!!! Costco has the Smokey mountain gass for 193$. I just saw it this morning and considered it. But Bigdog is also right, you can get 8-10 hours out of a WSM. (mines running right now with a prime rib and some porkloins in it.) The Great outdoors i saw this morning was all stainless steel. Kinda light, but ok for 200$. We wont bust on ya too much for going all lazyQ, it'll still make decent Q. And Brians been using it for a year, we havent abused him for it too much. Honestly, I'd go WSM first, then in a year if ya still want full lazyQ ya have a reason to get another. :D
A neighbor gave me a pretty good gas grill that was fixed so that it hooked into the houses natural gas line. They loved it. It sat in my yard for about 6 months and finally we took it over to my daughters house and set it behind her back fence, knowing that somebody that wanted the thing would pick it up and use it. My daughter lives in a neighborhood that is spotted with a lot of Mexican Immigrants that are very frugal. That old gas burner will go to somebody that will get a lot of use out of it. Her neighborhood has several great Mexican groceries and resturants in the area. The groceries carry a great selection of salsa and hot sauce. I love Mexican food, music, and culture.
In addition to my Bandera I've got a Masterbuilt Omniflame 4-Seasons (smoker, grill, outdoor fireplace). Too bad they discontinued it because it produces good Q.

The Masterbuilt 7-in-one gas smoker is basically a smaller version. Besides Brian, a buddy of TK's has a Great Outdoors Smoky Mountain gas cooker and TK reports it does a respectable job. Either propane onewill give yoe less tending but you will still need to add wood every few hours.

As far as the WSM is concerned, yeah, it can go a long time. But personally, I have a thing against charcoal briquettes. Its due to the the fact that the main ingredient in most charcoal briquettes is coal and coal has some nasty impurities such as heavy metals.

To me, "lazy Q" is propane only grills used by people who don;t know (or seem to care to know) about the alternatives. That's different from propane assist smokers. Sure, you can put in a wood box full of wood chips in a propane grll to get some smoke. The emphasis is on the word some.

I've had a Masterbuilt 7-in-1 smoker for about 8 years now. It's perfect for cooking a couple of shoulders and can be left unattended all night as long as you don't boil your water outta the water pan. In that 8 years, I've had to replace the thermometer a coupla times. Easily replaceable with retail store oven thermometer that you cut out of the little stand. I've also retired the original burner that came with it and now use my Bayou Classic turkey fryer burner. Also, the bottom finally rusted out of it but I bought a circular grill to fit down in the bottom and all is well. I still use it from time to time and it turns out some great product.
Your Maserbuilt sounds like my gas grill -- the only thing original is the aluminum body! New burners, new deflector (got rid of the rocks), new grill grates, just had to make clips to hold in the glass (fram around the blackened glass rusted out), need to build a new stand for it (can't move it or it'll fall down :D).

Gotta love any appliance you can just adapt, repair, etc. and just keep on using!!
BBQchef33 said:
Aint nothing wrong with sleep!!! Costco has the Smokey mountain gass for 193$. I just saw it this morning and considered it. But Bigdog is also right, you can get 8-10 hours out of a WSM. (mines running right now with a prime rib and some porkloins in it.) The Great outdoors i saw this morning was all stainless steel. Kinda light, but ok for 200$. We wont bust on ya too much for going all lazyQ, it'll still make decent Q. And Brians been using it for a year, we havent abused him for it too much. Honestly, I'd go WSM first, then in a year if ya still want full lazyQ ya have a reason to get another. :D

To busy busting my a$$ for everything else. regardlss very pleased with my GOSM.